

Speech! On Children's Day
Children Good Morning!
Happy Children's day!
Today I am here with a topic TALK BACK.
What do you think about this topic 'TALK BACK'? Do you think I mean to say, 'Be arrogant or Rude to someone else.' No. Not to SOMEONE ELSE outside of you. But to the inner person in you. Yes, Talk Back to the Negative voice Inside of You. The Negative Voice is the pessimist. Do you know who A pessimist is? Yes. A pessimist is the one who always says, 'Ah, It's like beating the air, I can never be disciplined, I can't do it. I cannot change my bad behaviour. Maybe some genius can do, but not me.' And now, do you think, 'Oh! come on she is just talking about someone outside not me?'
No. It's not someone outside of you all times. At times this Negative person is quite present in the attendance register of your Inner Mind.
INNER MIND! What is this INNER MIND? You will know the answer if you have talked to yourself. Here, I have a small story of bird.
Once there was a little bird- a tiny little bird. It had colorful feathers, very beautiful to look at it. But all it thought was: No. I can't fly. I'm too little. If I fly, I will fall and my legs- my feeble legs will be broken, my tiny body will be wounded.' But that didn't last longer. One fine evening the mother bird did not return to the nest. So, the baby bird cried out louder and called its mother. But the mother bird never returned. The evening passed on, fear took hold of this little bird. It became dark everywhere, except the twinkling stars in the sky. It cried, cried and cried and fell asleep until the morning star Mr.Sun woke it up. The baby bird was Hungry. No other way. It had to fly. It moved to and fro and finally decided to give one try to fly. Then it heard its inner mind saying, 'You cannot fly, you can never fly.' But the little bird's Optimistic mind said, 'TALK BACK! TALK BACK! Whip that voice with your words; Chase him out to the roads.
Let him be tramped under the feet; Blown away at your flight's heat.'
And the little brid opened its beaks and said, 'I.....can... fly.' And again shouted, 'I Will Fly'. Atlast the tiny little bird flew up up high under the BLUE Sky. And it chirped and sang: 'HURRAH! I flying! I fly!
Under that wide blue Sky.
I'm thrilled as I make a dive.
Hurrah! I'm happy to FLY.'

Yes. The tiny little bird made her wonderful flight under the bright blue Sky and was happy ever after.

It's good rather bearing the pain of wounds than bearing the dreadful fears.

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