

The citizens of any nation should start behaving as global citizens.
We, as citizens of the nation, oftentimes blame the government for their mishandlings, but we often forget the factors they have to take into consideration before taking any decision.

Learning from India (Bharat) is the need of the hour.

Below are some examples of the key challenges Indian diplomats have faced in recent years in shaping up the overall economy.

Border Disputes: India faced border tensions with China in the Ladakh region, which required diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation and seek a peaceful resolution.

Economic Recovery: Diplomats had to work on economic diplomacy to attract foreign investments and promote trade, especially in the aftermath of the economic impact of the pandemic.

Geopolitical Tensions: India's diplomats were navigating a complex geopolitical environment, including managing relationships with major powers like the United States, Russia, and China while pursuing its strategic interests.

Counterterrorism: Combating terrorism and dealing with countries supporting terrorist activities remained a priority, and diplomatic efforts were made to garner international support in this regard.

Climate Change: Diplomats were actively involved in climate change negotiations and addressing environmental challenges, including preparing for COP26 (the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties).

Cybersecurity and Technology: With the increasing importance of technology and cybersecurity, diplomats were dealing with issues related to data protection, digital trade, and cyber threats.

Global Supply Chains: The disruption of global supply chains during the pandemic required diplomatic efforts to ensure the smooth flow of essential goods and trade.

Vaccine Diplomacy: As India is a major vaccine producer, diplomats play a role in vaccine diplomacy, supplying vaccines to other countries and strengthening diplomatic ties.

Regional Security: India's diplomats were focused on regional security issues, including relations with neighbouring countries such as Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh.

- Atul Tyagi
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