

Love is magic...
Months back I would wake up early in the morning, play some songs labeled "🧔🚮"... If you know what I mean. The likes of Tlc creep, girl power type of songs. This went on for quite some time. Six months to be precise. Girl here was fed up with the lies of men.

This whole I don't need a man attitude went on until some demon that most women would understand creeped on me and I started talking to my toxic ex. Stupid huh? I guess not!
I was getting lonely and needed some attention. Every girl needs some attention anyway. Plenty in fact.

This so called ex did not want to confront the past. He snapped whenever the past was brought up. Red flags started popping up. The disrespect and all the other reasons why the relationship ended the first time were noticeable. Ouh well, I still ignored them.

Still trying to fix things with Mr definitely wrong and I happened to land myself some job. Long story short, one day at my work place I happened to meet this handsome hunk. First gaze and I melted. I was definitely a teenager again.

I don't even know how I went from men are trash music to ouh so sweet love songs so fast. Corny huh? Mr red flags was also trying to give me all the attention... but the red flags!!!

Back at heaven. The hunk and I started talking about God knows what and never ran out of things to talk about.

Fast forward, I had his phone number and we talked til three am. New love tendencies.
Damn! Imagine how much that You Don't Do it For Me Anymore song by Demi Lovato started being meaningful to me. I guess all that new attraction got rid of my feelings for Mr Wrong huh.
Love at first sight sure is a thing ok. All those shy moments and long walks with this new human meant the world to me... Each day I felt like our love grew bigger and bigger.

Huh! In no time he started coming over to my place because damn, we didn't have enough time at work at all. Excuse much? I don't know man... Love works in mysterious ways I guess.

I dropped a bombshell at my ex, told him that we will never work out. He never planned on confronting the past anyway so I had to give this new love a shot.

Nothing feels better than unforced love.

Up until now my man and I face challenges on a daily and we tackle on them as a team.

You will love and lose. And you will definitely love again. Love will catch you off guard and that is the best kind of love.

Don't worry... If it ends in tears just wipe them off. Next!!! Just don't go back to your toxic ex. Allow yourself to feel young again on that new love journey. It sure is fun!!!
🎶 *king of my heart - Taylor Swift *🎧
© baonebridget