

Thanks for joining me in this series on BEST FRIENDS. Our focus is to study on Growing With Best Friends In Knowledge. Some Secrets you need to know to make your Best Friendships great and lasting.

“A good friend knows all your best stories, but a best friend has lived them with you.” – Unknown

When friends leave, best friends stay. When friends ignore you, best friends receive you. When friends give you an excuse, best friends give you an escort.

Your best friends will live with you when everyone departs from you.bThey never leave you nor forsake you. They are the people who value you the most.

Adversities reveal the depth of friendships. Those who go with you in everything, reveal the friends who are with you every time. If you're a best friend to someone, never leave them behind and alone.

Remember your friends and their friendships with you, and stay connected to them; if you are their best friend. They will remember you for this, like David remembered Jonathan.