

Linea from Eris (4) TAKEOFF
As the kitchen table filled up Linea's father began "so Linea there is a invisible bond between a anima hominum and a pet maem in this case you and Touri, The bond is literally like an invisible chain or rope which holds you two together. " As he stopped an awkward silence rose.
Linea broke the silence and said "so are you saying that I cannot go more than a few meters away from Touri!"she didn't wait for an answer and continued"That I... whatever.. what happens if it breaks, "

"Oh Linea you cant you can try now, you can't touch it "said her mother worried.
Linea tried and sure enough there was nothing there but thin air.
"Huh OK then how can I go in a bathroom alone or anywhere ...alone" Linea added In a small voice.
"Well we have a pretty small bathroom so mine...