

She's Special (Part 1)
Never fall in love with a Dillon.

Everyone knows what kind of people they are; they never really fall in love. They only use everyone around them, and the ones who unfortunately, married into the family will suddenly get divorced two years later.

No one's really surprised, the women should have known that they could never change men like them. Even their mother gave up on them when they got to their fifth wife.

But, there is one foolish enough to fall in love with a Dillon. Someone who probably knows them better than anyone else...

And that someone is me.

"Divine, are you really sure? I mean, out of all of us out here, you know what happens behind that family." Yeah, I know everything. From the reason why they turned out like this, to the reason why their last wife suddenly wanted divorce.

They aren't really big on commitments, the three brothers fears commitments and never take their marriage seriously. Ever since they saw what happened to their mother at the hand of their father, they feared that they will turn the same as their father.

"Yeah..." At those times, I was the only person their age that comforted them, telling them that everything will be alright. When their father died, they thought that everything will be alright.

"Just- please, promise me this." My older sister was the second wife of the eldest Dillon. Everyone thought that she really IS the one but then... fear really took over those brothers.

Now, I'm going out with the middle child, Anthony.

"Do not become a martyr. I've been there, I've done all of that, and I promise you, it is not a pretty state to be." I nodded, holding my sister's hand tightly. She become a saint back then, covering up for her husband, accepting his excuses even though it doesn't make sense-

And it all just led to the end of a poor marriage.

"I know them better than anyone, big sis." I tried convincing myself, I will be alright if this relationship ends up in failure. I can handle that.

"Ok, good luck." She hugged me, then left me alone to her new husband. Honestly, her new husband is just perfect for her. I could already see how smitten he is with my sister.

And the way she smiles, I never saw her smile like that with her first husband. I hope I can smile like that with Anthony.

We started dating.

His eldest and youngest brother, of course, all accepted me quickly. His mother is happy as well, telling me that she has always been rooting for me to be part of the family.

"Anthony is the lucky one, huh?" Luke, the eldest, said.

"The lucky one? I don't think so. You know me- I never back down from his arrogant ass." This got a laugh out of him. I always smile at the idea that I know how to make this man laugh so easily.

Even more than any of his wives.

"You know, you're good for him. He never looked so invested in a relationship before." He tilted his head to the side, at the direction of Anthony. He was cooking my favorite food.

"Huh, maybe because I've known you for a long time." I answered, happy at the mention that maybe, I am different from the other girls that Anthony had a relationship with.

"There you are. A hot chocolate for you!" The youngest of the three, Casper, suddenly shouted from behind, startling me.

I turned around to glare at the man before taking the hot chocolate from his hand.

"You brat!"

"It's not like you're not used to it." Casper mumbled, drinking his own hot chocolate. I rolled my eyes, doing the same thing.

"So, Luke, how's things with the missus?" At the mention of his wife, Luke's face darkened. There were times when the reason of the divorce weren't really the brothers. Since they are wealthy and hot bachelors, a lot of gold diggers throw themselves at their feet.

And, this time, Luke got one.

"I got a private investigator to follow her. Maybe next month, she'll no longer be on my hair." I tried not to roll my eyes. I don't have the right to judge them but...

This time, Luke got a taste of his own medicine. Well, all of them got a taste of their own.

It's not like I drove them home all the time from a strip club, all drunk and incoherent. They always call me when their at those kinds of situations.

I swear, if Anthony does that to me, I'll definitely hang his head.

"You know, I saw that expression from afar." These brothers! Could they stop suddenly popping out of nowhere?!

"What look?" Casper asked, staring at my face.

"Stop looking!!!"

"The face where I think, she's thinking of slamming us on the floor." Huh, he got that right. They know me so well.

"What gotcha to think like that?" Luke asked.

"Nothing... just the mention of your wife cheating is triggering something in me." When I said that, the brothers all looked away in shame. Oh, that's good. They know how many times I have to face jealous wives.

"You guys need to stop calling for me whenever ya'll are in trouble," I said then looked at Anthony who looks as ashamed as his brothers.

"Except for Anthony, he's special." I said, bringing down my cup of hot chocolate, and then hugging him. This got the other brothers too burst out at how unfair it was.

"You guys need your own Divines because this one is mine!" Anthony teased, suddenly lifting me up. He carried me in bridal style and kissed me.

Kind of sweet, kind of corny, kind of cringy...

But, I was happy.

"That is so unfair! We only have one Divine!" This got me to laugh out loud. The rest of the night, we all had fun. Well...I could get why the wives would get jealous of me. They only ever act around freely around me like this.

Months passed, Luke divorced his fourth wife and I could see that Casper's getting more and more irritated. His wife is a jealous beast, which I could understand why.

No matter how many times I give Casper a piece of my mind, he still wouldn't listen to me. He has a wife waiting for him at home. He shouldn't be partying and hanging around bars and clubs like a bachelor!

And they still call me whenever they're drunk and incoherent.

"Hi Divine, where did you go?" Anthony asked. I sighed and just went towards him. I laid my head on his legs, I could feel a migraine coming.

"Casper called me again. I have to deliver him to his jealous wife AGAIN." I heard him mutter 'For goodness sake' before massaging my head. His hands could do wonders to my headache. I moaned in satisfaction, loving the way it slowly eased my pain.

"You don't have the right to say that, you were like that too back then." I muttered, making him laugh a little bit.

It is shocking to say that our relationship is still strong. This is actually a good sign since Anthony's past relationships doesn't last fot three months and yet here we are on our sixth.

"You know, I've always wondered why you didn't do all those things that you did with your past relationships." I suddenly said, shocking him and myself as well. I never really meant to say that to him.

"Because you're different..." And I never really expected him to answer that.

"Different...like what?"

"I- this might sound cheesy, but you're really different from other girls..." He said, not elaborating anymore than that. I was fine with what he said then he followed it with something that made me restore my faith on the brothers.

"I love you, you are different from the other women I've been with because I've been ignoring the feelings that I have for you." I did not expect to hear that from him, of all people. He... is in love with me for such a long time? He hid it from me because...

"Why did you hide it?" I asked, curious about his answer.

"I-I... We might not tell it upfront but we still have that fear of becoming our father. He was abusive- you saw how mother bleeds whenever we ran to your house." That old fear... of course, it's not easy to remove that. It has been ingrained in their minds for too long that it actually affected them too much.

"We- I'm scared. I don't want to see you cry. I don't want to see you hurt..." He said, hugging me tightly. I could feel the sincerity in his voice, how scared he actually is of becoming like his good-for-nothing father, and how he feared that he might... hurt me too.

I want to tell him, assure him that he won't be like his father.

"In relationships, we cannot avoid hurting each other, fighting is normal for people who are in love. But that doesn't mean that you are going to hurt me like your father did to your mother." I took his hand and put it on my cheek, wanting to assure him that everything will work out fine, I can feel it.

And my feelings are never wrong.

"But... what if I accidentally hit you? You know me, when I'm angry I lose myself." He said, his voice trembling.

"I can fight back, you know me! I never bow down to any men!" I said jokingly, standing up and posing as if I was superhero, with my fists up clenching with a smirk on my face. He laughed and stood up, with a sly smirk.

"Well then... my superhero... what about a tickling!!!" He started coming after me, laughing like a maniac. I quickly moved away and ran away from him as fast as possible.

"YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME!" I shouted, using the pillow near us as a makeshift shield. He started running after me, his hands ready to tickle me to death. We were like children with no care in the world.

We are happy, just like always.

Until the next day came...

"Hey, good morning." Anthony kissed me on the lips as usual, waking me up with his stubble scratching my face. I giggled at the gesture and tried to push him away but he was proven too strong and got to steal another kiss from me.

"Morning to you too, big guy. Let me up, let's get cooki-"

"Oh no, you are going to stay here in bed. I'M the one cooking something for you today." He said, pushing me gently towards the headboard of the bed. He put a pillow behind my head and let me lay my head on it.

"You treating me like a princess now?" I asked teasingly, to which he replied with a smile.

"Only the best for the princess." He answered before walking out towards the kitchen. I sighed, happy and both satisfied with what we are now.

Yes, we got our ups and downs, we fight here and there, but as I said last night, it cannot be avoided when two people are in love. And by the way he is acting right now, he is totally in love with me so-

The telephone suddenly rang beside our bed. Huh, who calls anyone this early? I was about to answer it when Anthony opened the door.

"I'll answer that, don't worry about it." I just stared at him questioningly, why doesn't he want me to answer that?

"Your the princess today, right? The princess doesn't need to lift a finger for such commong things." He said with a heavily exaggerated fancy accent which made me giggle. Well, I could humor him.

"Alright big guy, just go answer it."

He quickly picked up the telephone, asking who the caller was.

"Luke! What are you doing still at a bar at this time?!" He asked, shocked and a bit angry at his brother. I want to point out that he has been in a situation like that also but I just kept my mouth shut.

"What do you mean you need, Divine? She just woke up!"

"No, no, you are not going to-" I cut him off with a loud "ahem" catching his attention. Well, this is certainly an issue.


"Give me the telephone." He sighed tiredly and didn't put up a fight. He gave me the telephone and I took it, saying hello.

'Hey Divine...' Luke is definitely drunk, his voice is rough and his speaking is slurred. I just hope he hadn't done anything stupid that will land him on jail or anything...

"Why can't you call your girlfriend, Luke? I know she's willing to get you out of there..." I did feel a bit pity for his girlfriend. She isn't used how the brothers are and I could see it. To be fair, I warned her of everything about dating a Dillon and she brushed me off.

"If you could handle a Dillon, I could handle one." Those were her exact words and I hope she won't regret because right now, it's going to be a problem.

'I want you Divine to cowme and gewt me.' And deliver him to his girlfriend again for the third time these past two weeks? Nuh uh, I've had enough facing enraged girlfriends and wives for today.

I haven't even moved on about Casper's wife giving me the death glare.

"No Luke, I'm going to call Gina and she's going to pick you up." I said firmly, my tone leaving no space for objections.

'Noooo! I won't gow jome if it's her.' I shook my head and grunted in displeasure.

"Fine! Your brother and I are going to pick you up." I said, irritated at how Luke is acting right now. I could understand how he is acting when he had that gold digger for a wife but this time, Gina is a decent woman and is ACTUALLY in love with him!

'Nuuu, I want ownly yow-'

"It's the same bar, right? The one you've always been hanging out on?" I asked.

'Yeshhh-' I put the phone back on the nightstand, sighing at how everything is going on. Sometimes it 's Luke calling me to get him home, sometimes it's Casper, telling me that he lost his wallet and can't pay for what he drank-

"I'm so glad that you aren't like that anymore." I said, standing up and walking up towards him.

"Well, with someone like you? I could just do it once every two months or even less." He said, which made me feel better. It's not easy to break a habit of drinking, and I'm happy that he's trying to get better for me.

Honestly, as long as he just drinks in the house and doesn't go wild (I will kick his ass if he even tries to), I'm alright with it.

Besides, the both of us could spend our night just relaxing in front of the tv or the fireplace, eating and drinking all night cuddling each other.

"Now, I don't want to go." I said, hugging him and clinging to him tightly. He laughed and kissed my head.

"My little Koala is feeling lazy."

"You have so many nicknames for me, don't you?" He just sent me a teasing smile before planting another kiss on me, this time my forehead.

"Come on, let's go. The sooner we deliver my big brother to his girlfriend, the sooner we can go back." Staying on bed sounds like heaven right now but Anthony's right.

We took a short shower and changed into our clothes as fast as we could. We drove towards Luke's usual hangout.

When we got there, we were surprised to see that Gina's there.

"Hey Gina," when she looked at me, I could feel the intensity of the glare coming from her.

"What are YOU doing here?" She asked angrily, her glare not leaving me. I could feel Anthony tensing behind me so I gripped his hand.

"Luke called for us." Anthony answered to which Gina scoffed at.

"Well, he doesn't need the two of you anymore so GET OUT!" I don't understand what's happening. Why is she angry? And she's angry at me of all people when her boyfriend went drinking and stayed there until morning.

"Problem solved then, we'll be leaving." Anthony said, pulling me away from her. I could still feel her burning gaze at me, and if looks could kill, I would have been probably dead by now.

"DIVINEEE!" A shout stopped us from walking. We both looked back and saw Luke staggering towards us. He looks and smells drunk, the smell getting stronger as he comes nearer.

"Get behind me, Divine." Anthony said to which I gladly did. Whatever is happening right now is most certainly different from the other nights where I took them home.

Back then, Luke was always asleep, he was just awake to a point where he could walk towards my car. But now...

He looks scary.

"Luke, you gotta go home. Your drunk." But Luke ignored him, trying to push Anthony away to get to me. But Anthony stood his ground.

"What is wrong with you? Go home! Gina is right there!" Gina came running towards us, her hands trying to pull Luke away from us.

"I down't wan er!" Luke answered trying to push Gina away.

"You don't know what you're saying honey, let's go..." But this seemed to aggravate Luke more because he pushed her hard enough to let him go.

"Divine! Why do yu hab to choose mah bruzer? I'm muczh mowr handsome and probably riecher than him! Am the heiwr to the company of awr fadder!" He must be going mad, why is he speaking like this?! I could feel Anthony was shocked at what he was hearing by how silent he was and Gina-

Oh my gosh, Gina!

"LUKE! You are lying! You're drunk! Let's go!" Gina shouted, this time, putting his whole strength on pulling the drunk man away from us.

"You two should go." I just nodded in answer. Anthony ushered me towards the direction of the car in silent. We ignored the calls of Luke, he was calling my name again.

I-I... couldn't believe this.

"Anthony?" I called his name out, wanting to know if he was feeling alright. I could see the shock and realization on his face come together.

"So... he felt the same way all along. Just like me..." I was confused, what is he talking about? Does he know anything about this?

"What are you talking about?"

"He loves you Divine... Just like me."