

Parent Light
Every parent creates light in path of life of their children through proper guidance and providing help and support so that their child doesn't get lost or loss the right direction. The light is transmitted through Guidance and support of Parent to life of their child so as to make the path of life glow and more brighter. Parent light comes into function when their child goes through difficult time or bad phase of life so that the child is not misleaded and get into the darkness zone. It is possible to remove all type of negative elements or negativity of child with help of light comes and sourced from parent. From responsibility ground of parent it is obvious duty of parent to assist thier child during developmental and fostering stage and growth time and during that time if any obstacle comes which opposed Growth of their child then it is natural to use and apply the parents light in order to remove those obstacles from life of thier child. For a busy and Professional Parent it is hard and difficult to provide Parent Light in right and appropriate Manner as they are busy with thier job and daily life so they don't get enough time for their child so it is not possible to provide necessary support and help to thier child. In every aspect of life of a child such as academic, education etc there may be some of difficulties so Parent Light has the application in this field. Role of a parent in difficult phase of life can be fulfilled through Parent Light, Proper and major functioning of a parent is possible through providing parent Light into life of thier child. Source of Parent Light from where it is generated is experience, knowledge, maturity gained and acquired by parents through thier life. From Generation to next generation this parent light is passed and each and every Generation is enlighten and enriched by glory and pride of parent light. The flow of life of a child can be smooth when parent Light falls into life of child. Presence of Parent and acting as an umbrella, hard work and effort of parent for thier child sometimes helping generate and transmission of Parent light from parent to their child. Parent light will remove and eliminate any obstacle which acts as anti of meeting the need and requirements of child.

© Arka Samanta