

The Ending was very Bad👽
Sani worked in a radio studio.
He was very famous RJ. Every body wants to hear his voice.
He entertained people very much that's why people liked his show in radio.But He was very rude in real.One day,one of his fan wanted to meet but He refused because he was in busy.
Next day, Again the fan came But Sani refused to meet him.
At least 30 Days The fan waited to meet his idol RJ sani but Sani never gave time and refused again and again.

Then One Night, Sani was in studio alone. He was late and He prepared to go home. When He came out from the studio..He saw a teenage boy was standing there alone. When The boy saw sani...He immediately came towards sani.The boy touched Rj sani and told"I wait for you about 1month. I am big fan of yours.Your show is just amazing. When you give relif people from their problems by your sweet world. You don't know how I find peace in your words"
sani was irritated. He wanted to go home quickly. He said the boy to go home and thanked him also. But The boy insisted to stay with him for some moments and to tell him some good inspiration word. His show" I can inspire " main theme was to inspire the people.

Sani was so much disturbed and told him to go home.He told the teenage boy that he had to go home immediately otherwise he could stay.

The teenage boy started to cry.
He said that his father and mother were very bad and they tortured him because he was not attentive like others. His big sister never gave him time and behaved like enmy. His teacher abused him. He was very depressed in life but When he listen to Rj sani voice and words...He felt very nice. the boy told sani "I think you are the most sweet like your voice."

But sani was very angry and he didn't even want to listen the boy. Rj sani told strictly to leave him because he wanted to go home. The teenage boy didn't leave and he just insisted to talk with him in some sweet words.Rj was furious and he slapped the boy and said that he should go home.

The boy didn't leave. The teenage boy told with anger "You are fake. You are like my father and mother and sister.
They also used to slap me. But Do you know what happened with them?"
Rj sani was afraid of seeing the boy's eye. But He told "what happened?"
The boy smiled very loudly and said that he killed them.They should deserve it.
Rj sani was surprised to hear the boy'S words.
But he thought it might be a joke. so He started to walk ignoring the boy.
Rj sani went to home safely but He smiled that he was afraid of the boy's silly words.
But at the midnight, Sani felt someone called him. Sani totally forgot about the boy. So He opened the door to see who called him.

When he opened the door, The teenage boy said "Hi idol, I am your fan saif, Please let me stay with you.Otherwise Where I will go."
Sani angrily told"Go home to your parents "
The boy said "I told you, I killed them."
Sani said "please, I worked very hard today, I am tried, I want to sleep."
The boy said "You want to sleep"
Rj said "Yes, Leave!"
The boy said " lets play a game. If you win , you can sleep."
Rj said "Mad "
At this time a mobile call came.
It was her girlfriend Marry.
Her girlfriend was murdered .His body was found in outside the door at the night.
Rj sani was surprised. He felt like a storm in mind.
Another called came in mobile.
Someone fired his studio at today's night. He didn't image what he should do.
The teenage boy said "Everything is in fire"
Do you dare to slap me again?
Rj cried and said "You killed them. "
The boy said "No, you forced me to do.If you would talk some sweet word with me and treated as your friend, I will never do that. But No You are fake. Rude!Your beloved one left you.
Now You hurt!..I feel happy."

Sani pushed the boy from the door and the boy was injured in the hand.
Sani wanted to call the police and He went inside the home, He about to call police But suddenly A big wood box was hit by the Boy's hand And His head was injured. Bleeding occurred .
Then He ran from the house and went to the police.

On the road, He saw that a boy was lying. He thought that he might be the teenage killer and
Now,He killed him So....He attack the boy But the lying boy was a not the killer teenager. But Due to attack the little boy, the boy died.

Then He didn't know what should he do.
Suddenly police came and arrested him.Sani told the all story that a mad teenage boy killed his girlfriend, fired on his studio and wanted to kill him.

The police man and his assistant laughed and they told him "You killer, A little boy came to my police station and told that you want to kill his sister and his brother . Then You killed his sister and his parents and now We clearly see that you kill his brother."
Rj said "No, Lie....That teenage boy was the real killer."
The police man slapped Rj and arrested him.

On the police station, He saw the teenage killer boy who smiled and smiled. Sani understood that The boy destroyed his life. The boy came near to the sani and said "Fake Boy, Now you need some support to reduce your pains. If You want, I can give you time and can talk with you with my sweet words for your inner peace."
Rj Sani cried and told "Why? sorry, I did a mistake...please forgive me....I never do badly behaved with anyone."
The teenage boy said "My mom, dad and sister also told me same words but I killed them.So Bye My idol:("