

Prayer for Lebanon
Dear Brother,
While we were praying for your country,
united us one in CHRIST
from different parts of the world,
I felt tears of sadness,
but I also experienced
GOD's glory over the land
as I saw the sun shining in the sky
and a feeling of rest
fell upon me.

To the NON-believer
it might look like the judgement of GOD
had come over the country
and may have left people wondering
why GOD
would allow something like that to happen.
For the BELIEVER however
- like you and me -
we know and much stronger,
we believe
that GOD makes everything work for the good,
even or as I'd like to say,
especially at a time like this.

HE is the ONE
Who is always in control,
asking us to remain still
and in that silence
is fighting for us,
even if we see thousands fall on our side,
even when we see brothers and sisters
among the ones that have passed,
we know and believe
that someday
we will see them again
and even through this all
testimonies are in the making
and that it is the perfect time
that lots of seeds will be sown,
just like passion fruit is cut in half
and its many seeds
are being spread out on the land
to have new plants grow.

My dear brother,
I need to remind you
that the keyhole is within reach
and that our HEAVENLY FATHER
has already provided us with its keys,
which can be found in His Word
and in the ONE,
Who became the LIVING WORD,
we have the BEST friend we can ever imagine,
the same friend
Who has already paid the FULL PRICE and in knowing this,
gives us the COMFORT
and provides the WISDOM
through HIS SPIRIT
how to live as an OVERCOMER

I pray that many seeds will be sown
for the KINGDOM of GOD
and that those who do NOT know HIM,
will come to know HIM,
those who wandered off
will return to HIM
and those who already know HIM
will deepen their relation with
and stay in HIM
through the SON.

I pray for EACH and EVERY citizen,
that they may find COMFORT
especially emotional and spiratual,
in our Lord JESUS CHRIST
and that they may experience
as we also have
and STILL are.

I pray
over you and your family,
our brothers and our sisters
and your fellow countrymen.
In the MIGHTY name of our Lord JESUS!

Your brother in Christ,
25 Aug 2020

#PrayerForLebanon #letters #visions #Romans8verse28 #Psalm91verse7 #John1verse14 #Romans12verse2 #Romans8verse37 #GOD #theFather #HolySpirit #theSON #Jesus

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37 NKJV

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