

My sister's Shadow (The colours that lead to my Rainbow 🌈) Chapter 3
Chapter 3
"Nathaniel, how are you?" she greeted trying to keep her composure, glancing around nervously with all the discretion she could muster. The town folks were already spreading slot of rumors about her and really she couldn't take one bit more of it. Nathaniel looked at Hailey he could see her panic stricken stance clearly. Though she tried so desperately to hide it from him. He walked as close as he could to her and said high enough for her to hear "I'll be at Mister Bough's book shop. Meet me at the back in half an hour. I'll be waiting."
And with that he was gone. Hailey looked longingly at his golden locks; how she desperately wished to run her fingers through them. She cursed at herself for her vulgarity and got a few question-filled glares by a few passerbys.
Hailey busied herself with all the necessities, there were some pending repairs at home and in the stables that needed attending to and it was her task to get the required material. Hailey walked into the hardware and heard the charm on the door jingle. Miss Goodwin's head shot up, and upon seeing her customer her face changed from solemn to a beautiful and warm grin. "Why Miss Spence aren't you a sight fo sore old eyes like me own, I haven't seen you around lately I hope your poor father is doing a lot better now." I smiled at her welcoming her remark, Mrs Goodwin no matter what she said was never seen as bad in Hailey's eyes, she has helped her through so much. She has never directly asked if her father's sickness was getting any better she'd however say "I hope..." or "I pray he is doing well"
"Papa is doing well Mrs Goodwin I just need to quickly get back to him. But I thank youfor asking. I am going to need some ...."

As Hailey was trapped in the store by Mrs Goodwin talking her head off. It would appear that Nathaniel Meadow Pond's golden boy had an admirer and she was not at all pleased by his new found interest.
"What is going on between you and Hailey Mr McNeil?" she folded her hand asking the same question for the third time.
"I see you have refused to talk to me, huh...
but never mind if you don't talk she surely will by whatever means necessary." she knew she pressed the right button or was it, his hair stood on end
"If you dear touch Hailey you wouldn't even be able to fathom what I would do to you."
he said in a cold whisper that made her shudder and sent rippled chills through Hailey's entire body as she listened from the corner of the a andoned bookshop; hiding in plain sight.

Hearing his words her heart raced she could not believe "I am not some toy Nathan"
"Brenda please go home" She stood staring at him incredulously "Go home!" and they both jumped.
Brenda stormed off in tears.
Hailey gathered herself and walked towards him his back was turned to her but she could see the twitch of his jaw. He has some explaining to do.
"Care to tell me what on earth is going on?"
Nathaniel twitched I obviously startled. He spun around slowly to stare at the woman the girl he had love for ten years has grown into.
© Alloy Reid

that's it for today guys I do hope you enjoy as things are slowly heating up. Please let me know your thoughts. And I must apologise for yesterday.

Have a blessed day