

The Last Sang 1.5 Cut Scene
A girl walks down a barren road no houses, no cars, no sign of life to be found. The fog begins to roll in and the young woman's heart begins to race as she swears she sees shadows taunting her inside the fog. She spun around like a dropped nickel as the shadows ran in circles around her.

"Hello, is there anyone out there?" She cried out her voice shaky and body trembling with fear.

A loud screech comes from within the fog dusted woods, as she hears twigs snapping violently and leaves crunching as something runs at her. She turns to run away she pushes her body as hard as she can running as fast as she can manage.

"Please somebody help me!" She cries out as the thing chasing her was now right at her heels.

She trips on a tree root that grew up through the pavement falling and scraping her knee. She scoots back on her butt examining the area to find she was once again alone. She picks herself up off the street examining the damage to her knee. She thinks maybe this is all in her head and laughs it off as she collects her bag and continues limping down the road. Her phone rings she pucks it up.

"Hello?" she asks nervously not recognizing the number.

"Get your ass over here this party is crazy!" a voice yelled from the other side of the phone.

"I think I'm close now I'm just walking down this creepy road." she answered relieved.

"Wait, Abby what road are you on?" the voice asked nervously.

"Breckenridge, why?" she asks as something quickly grabs her leaving nothing but her phone cracked and bloody in the street.

"Abby!?" the voice screamed repeatedly from the other side of the phone but she was already gone.