

Screams Of Silence Final Part
As Charlotte Walks down the narrow hallway having a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, she takes soft steps being slightly cold as outside it had frozen over through the night. And Charlotte was anything but comfortable. As she gets closer and closer towards the living room the sound of Christmas music getting louder and louder, she decides against her better judgment. To silently walk into the kitchen looking at the knife holder she grabs a knife hiding it within her pants putting her shirt over it. As she slowly walks into the living room, the sight she sees is Bailey sitting in a chair in the corner of the room looking right at Charlotte. As Bailey has a little soft smile on her face she says.

"We'll would you look outside Charlotte it's...Practically frozen over out there, though i could have guessed that would happen right. Charlotte do you know how we we're talking about how the stone skips four time's before sinking...We'll After thinking about it for a while i thought i would tell you something." Bailey says as she suddenly loses the smile on her face. As Charlotte seems to be in awe at Bailey's new creepy attitude. As Charlotte decides to play along she says. "We'll Bailey i never knew you we're so talkative then again i brought that up yesterday, though yes i do remember how we talked about the stone sinking. So Bailey please tell me what you have to say to me."

As Charlotte finishes speaking Bailey stands up listening to the music hit her ears. She takes a very deep breath before looking at Charlotte right in her eye's and saying. "Yeah i guess some thing's just change so quickly don't they...Like in a absolute flash everything change's it's almost...Insane really, you see Charlotte the stone sink's just like some people deserve to sink...Hehehe...I won't lie anymore Charlotte, i adore you and i want you to understand completely why it has to happen. You see Charlotte those missing people the whole reason we went on this trip, it was...Me i killed all those people why?...We'll because honestly they deserved it, i mean really you can't act like you don't get up and just want to GUT SOMEONE!!! Now i was goning to kill you we we're finally alone perfect time, but you kept suprising me making me not want to kill you with every word you spoke. However the only thing i am going to ask right now...Are you a stone?" Bailey says all of that with a ever growing smile on her face. As she awaits Charlotte's response. Charlotte had already begun putting her hand behind her back reaching for the knife as Charlotte still looked shocked saying. "...I can't believe this...You killed those people Bailey, because of some twisted philosophy you have. I...I can't lie either Bailey i liked you for so long, everyone used to make fun of you laugh at you but i always defended you at every turn. And i find out now that you're nothing more than a heartless killer...I thought maybe this trip was going to make you finally be happy, but i guess not...I used to adore you as We'll Bailey but now you're just...Nothing to me." Charlotte says it's almost like her word's echo around the room, as Bailey's smile starts twisting and turning as she giggles softly. As Bailey begins walking towards Charlotte as she says. "So what you're saying is you're a stone. You deserve to sink...And to think i actually thought me and you we're meant to be something. Very We'll, i have no problem making sure that we both die together a perfect end. For both of us now shall we make this...Easy." Bailey says as her nose bleeds softly again. As the Christmas music reaches it's climax stopping, as Bailey giggles and begins walking quickly at Charlotte, who quickly pulls out the knife and keeps it close. As Bailey stops in her track's looking at the knife and saying with a bloody smile. "Let's be honest Charlotte you are too afraid to kill me aren't you, do you really have that instinct to do what need's to be done, because i don't see it." Bailey says as Charlotte suddenly thrusts the knife forward quickly, slicing Bailey's arm slightly though Bailey manages to avoid serious injury. As she laughs maniacally before punching Charlotte directly in the face as hard as Bailey could, Charlotte feeling the effects of the punch drops the knife and her nose bloodied she falls to the floor, as blurry vision takes over Charlotte as Bailey says. "Awww that's too bad Charlotte hon...I'm shocked you actually we're going to kill me, hehehe not just yet sweetie remember we are going to die together weather you like it or not. Now night night dearest~." Bailey says with her bleeding nose as she was excited. getting on top of Charlotte, licking the blood on Charlotte's nose, as Charlotte finally passes out.

after what feels like hours, Charlotte finally slowly manages to wake up. As she felt nothing but sharp coldness on her back, As Charlotte comes to realize she is on the lake from yesterday now frozen, along with Bailey whose smile hadn't faded yet as she sits next to Charlotte, with the knife getting ready to stab into the ice. However Bailey sees Charlotte is awake so she stops looking at Charlotte as she says. "Charlotte you sleepy head you're awake, that's absolutely wonderful because now i can hold you below, and make sure it's such a beautiful ending. Now i don't think we should prolong this anymore like a stone it's you're fourth skip...So sink." Bailey says before raising the knife getting ready to stab it into the ice however just before it sinks, Charlotte grabs Bailey's hand stopping her from doing it before giving Bailey a aggressive punch. Stunning Bailey drastically as Bailey fall's back onto the ice dropping the knife, as the ice crackles softly. As Charlotte grabs the knife before leaping forward and stabbing the knife through Bailey, as the knife goes through the ice impaling Bailey as she spits out blood, as Charlotte says tears in her eye's. "I'M SORRY BAILEY YOU MADE ME DO IT AHHHHHHHH FUCK!!!...I...Didn't want to do this Bailey...You meant so much to me. And now i don't have anyone. Why did you have to be this way Bailey...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, that i didn't help you sooner i...Love you..." Charlotte says crying softly as she backs away hearing the ice under Bailey cracking, as Bailey's bloody smile shines brightly against the cloudy sky. Bailey says softly to herself. "Sinking alone...Heheh...I love you too...Char-" However before Bailey could finish the ice collapses under Bailey, as a hole form's, Bailey fall's straight into the freezing lake with her stomach bleeding. She doesn't struggle at all, Bailey just sink's with a smile on her face.

As under the ice a red color begins to form, Charlotte's tears continue to fall as she gets up softly before walking off of the frozen lake. Eventually Charlotte makes it back to the cabin her tears melting the snow. As she walks into the cabin laying down on the floor.

After waiting in the cabin for a couple of day's eventually the ice thawed and melted, as Charlotte got into the car alone having a emotionless stare. As Charlotte drove to the store she had went to before authority's, we're already there to tell Charlotte how dangerous Bailey was and that they had found out, the killings was Bailey however Charlotte emotionless explained what happened. And then Charlotte was taken home.

Bailey had murdered fifteen people in what looked to be brutal fashion, however Charlotte had learned something very valuable on her trip.

Some deserve to sink.


Thank you for reading if you're confused please read the first part, i really hope you semi enjoyed this horror story of mine. You have no idea how much i appreciate you're time thank you~

© Blood Is Beautiful