

Untitled Note To You.
I could feel the darkness almost shroud me as I sat in my room. Shadows casting long horrible figures, reminding me of my fears, and haunting my memories. A thought on the back of the mind, as songs play muffled through the headphones. "Is this the way things should be?" Only silence can respond, for that the voice I wish could respond will never be heard from again. Who was I to you? Did I matter to you? Did you love me? All questions rattling in my mind, not out of selfish feelings or means. Out of confusion and wonder, I'm not used to people staying. I'm not uses to people being true to their word. I've been the most understanding when it came to the both of us, but you left me in the dark. I told you to leave, but yet begged you to stay. A battle of heart versus mind.

© theillusivewriter