

Rocket of wonders.
On the ground in my rocket
As it getting ready for take off.
As it fly up into the skies, As my body
feel the energy coming from outside. As
I had on a face mask to protect my lunges .for my body won't explode. As I loosen my buckle and seat belt. As I drift
in my rocket as I look at the window
I see Mercury, and the moon, And the Stars. On the earth I see some aliens with black eyes, Their bodies were green. As they roared at me, because I looked different . I shown the
creature that I was friendly. With his long
finger he pointed. As I walked passed the
alien, There was an white Lion sitting by A
fury sea. The people were friendly as will . as their were creatures. there green land was full with sunflowers and
different fruits, but the creatures said.
you eat from the wrong tree. you will faint and become a creature. You can't
leave the green land. As I nodded okay.
As I started wondering off in there beautiful land. As there were horse in
the sky. As I kept waking there was Hercules on the ground holding his bow and arrow. The stars shined on his arrow. because of bravely and his honor
as he was an super hero God. Powers of
heavens will be shaken as he was very powerful. A cloud approached me with
the glory . Has I climbed on the clouds.
I looked up holding my head back.
As the Lord was holding his head up high. As he told me, patience And encouragement comes from your God in
heaven. As he told me that he was very
proud of my good deed. As he put an reward on my shirt. As the Lord blow my cloud back to my rocket. As its flew
back to the ground.
The End
caring caring ❤.

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