

Part-26 Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gayi
Hey Dear Readers 🙌
How you all doin' ??
I hope you all are doing well ♥️

In the previous part -
After Rohan's assault Avantika fell asleep on the couch. When she woke up she found Ishaan asleep on a chair beside her, holding her hand. After which Naina made tea for both of them. Sharing their tea on the balcony, Avantika confided in Naina about an important decision of hers but asked her to keep it secret from Ishaan. Later, a call from work forced Ishaan to leave despite his reluctance, parting from Avantika with heavy hearts and unspoken feelings.

Here's the New Part of the story 📚📑🖋️

Ishaan drove towards his office with a heavy heart. He still felt a lingering sadness and was worried about Avantika. After reaching the office, he tried to distract himself by throwing himself into work, but he couldn’t focus there either.

Meanwhile, Avantika was also feeling restless. She had decided to break up with Rohan, but it wasn’t that easy for her.Rohan was an extremely stubborn person who wouldn’t let her go easily. No matter how much she wanted to distance herself from him, Rohan wouldn’t just set her free.

To him, she was like a doll kept in a showcase, to be taken out and played with whenever he wished, and locked back up when he was done.

Avantika was lost in these thoughts when her phone rang—it was Rohan calling. Seeing his name, a wave of fear swept through her. She knew exactly what Rohan was going to say, the same old story, apologies and it won't happen again.

The phone kept ringing, but Avantika was lost deep in her thoughts. Finally, she answered on the last ring.

Rohan's cheerful voice came through, "Good evening, baby… how are you?" He sounded as if nothing had happened.

Listening to his fake cheerfulness, Avantika was filled with anger. She thought to herself, how could he act like this after everything that happened this morning? She deliberately stayed silent and didn't respond.

Rohan continued to speak in the same tone, "I want to talk to my darling, is she there?"

Avantika's patience snapped, and she angrily said, "How can someone be so shameless, Rohan? Do you have no conscience at all?"

Rohan replied, "What happened, baby? Why are you talking like this?"

Taking a deep breath, Avantika said, "Why am I talking like this? Do you even realize what you did? Don't you feel any guilt at all?"

Rohan, still smiling, said, "To be honest, I have no idea what you're talking about.What happened?I was partying with my friends in Goa last night, had too much to drink, and wasn’t in my senses. I only woke up this evening. I don’t know what you’re talking about."

Shaking her head, Avantika said, "Stop pretending to be innocent. I've had enough of your old excuses and lies. Everything has a limit, and today that limit has been crossed."

Rohan asked, "But tell me, what did I do?" Avantika replied, "You know very well what you did, and now I know very well what I have to do."

Rohan realized that Avantika wasn’t going to back down this time, so he started pretending to blame himself and said, "Avantika,I don't know what I did , but still I am really sorry, baby. Whatever happened, it shouldn't have happened. I’m a terrible person; I hate myself. I don't know what happens to me after I drink."

Avantika listened quietly to his words. Not getting any response, Rohan continued in a tearful voice, "Punish me however you want, I deserve it. But please forgive me, I promise this will never happen again..."

Avantika asked in a cold voice, "Rohan, are you sure this will never happen again?"

Hearing this, Rohan smiled, thinking Avantika had forgiven him, and he was about to speak when Avantika continued, "Because I am extremely sure this will never happen again."

Rohan was a little taken aback and asked, "What do you mean?"

In a determined voice, Avantika said, "This will never happen again because from today, our relationship is over. From today, you have no right over me or my life."

As she said this, Avantika's eyes filled with tears, and she started crying. It felt like a dam that had been held back for years had finally burst.

Rohan had never expected Avantika to say something like this. It took him a few seconds to realize what had just happened, but then he composed himself and said, "Avantika… baby, don’t do this. I can't live without you. I’m sorry for everything. Please give me one last chance."

But the Avantika who used to always give in to Rohan's words had made up her mind today. Strengthening herself, she said, "I have only been forgiving you till now, Rohan, but not anymore. I am fed up of your torture and abuse, I am fed up of you. Everyone kept telling me that I deserve better than you, but I foolishly kept thinking that one day, one day you would change. But today after what you did I realized, you are not a human, but an animal, who will never ever change, no matter what."

Rohan tried his best to convince Avantika, but she didn’t listen to him at all.After some time Rohan’s patience also began to wear thin.

When he realized that Avantika was not going to be swayed by his words this time, he said, "Okay then, if you’ve decided, this is it. I tried my best to avoid this but…"

Hearing this, Avantika felt a bit nervous, but then, trying to gather her courage, she said, "But what… no matter what you do, there can be nothing between us anymore, and that’s my final decision."

She hoped that may be, may be Rohan won't be himself for one single time, but her hopes were shattered badly.

Rohan's voice changed, and with a wicked smile on his face,he said, "It seems like Ishaan is filling your head with these ideas against me. Did you just forget what I can do? Don't underestimate me. Never ever think that you can leave me. You are mine, only mine. If you even think f going away from me, I will destroy both you and your lover."

Hearing this, Avantika's face turned pale. What she feared had finally come true. The side of Rohan she had always been afraid of was now fully evident. She wanted to speak but couldn't and just cried over her fate.

After a few seconds, Rohan continued, "Stop this crying nonsense. Meet me tomorrow evening. No excuses and yes, if I see that bastard Ishaan anywhere near you again, it won't be good for him. Warn him, I will make him disappear so bad that no one will ever find him."

Avantika, filled with anger, said, "I don't even want to see your face, and if you touch Ishaan, I will…"

Rohan laughed and said, "Aww… look how much you care about him. That rookie lawyer has become so important now that you're going against me for him. My suspicion was so damn right, you bloody cheat. How long have you been fooling around with him behind my back? I won’t spare that bastard; just wait and see."

Avantika couldn't take it anymore and abruptly cut the call. This phone call had shaken her to her core. What Rohan said wasn't just an empty threat; he was capable of doing anything in his madness.

She remembered that almost three years ago, one of her colleagues had proposed to her. Despite Avantika's repeated explanations, he didn't give up. Rohan somehow found out about him. He had connections with big shots in the industry, including many goons. Rohan had the guy beaten so bad that he had to be hospitalized for a week, and even then, when he wasn’t satisfied, he had him falsely accused and sent to jail. That poor guy’s life was ruined. He lost his job and had to leave everything and return to his hometown.

Avantika could endure anything herself, but if something happened to Ishaan, she would never forgive herself. She didn’t know what to do. On one side was Rohan, who would never let her live in peace, and on the other side was Ishaan, whose life could be in danger because of her, and despite her efforts to explain, he wouldn’t stay away from her.

© random_kahaniyaan

So what do you think is going to happen now ? Is their a twist waiting? Will Avantika be able to break up with Rohan or is Rohan going to harm Ishaan ?
Stay Tuned... new Part coming soon 📑

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