

" Ya honey, you were sleeping so I decided to visit alone. Our lil angel is bout to wake up, I've made her breakfast make sure that she eat it" She started to talk I think with her husband... I guess. I didn't ask her once were she was taking me to rather I sat firmly clutching to the window seat and tryin to capture every momets that I can.
At the last we reached to an isolated area brimming with greenery around it. In There she took me to a old lady and judging by the way she is talking, she is probably her mother. Maybe they were arguing over me and the old lady looses. The woman who brought me here left without a backward glance.....
The grandma called me inside, I was just standing on the foot of the door cause her house was unusually clean, I don't want to cause any trouble to her. When she saw me standing, she started arranging something for me. After 15 min she showed me the path and said, " How bout a warm bath, I have clothes of my daughter and they are going to fit you just fine". I took the bath, wore the clothes she gave but these clothes had a warmness in them, in way I can't describe you. In morning I saw her sleeping, tbh I didn't slept whole night just tryin to figure what's going on. Who was that lady, why grandma is so nice to me...
When sun broke out, I went on a walk to explore. It's one alluring place to live, every tiny inch of this land is capable of mesmerizing you. I stood on the bridge , which was quite old......
I stood there everyday now and bring back one purple flower for grandma which I quietly place on her holy book. But everyday a boy companied me on bridge. Sometimes he used stand quietly looking at picturesque scene and sometimes he used to secretly look at my scars. He never talked but used to leave a luchbox for me. Then something unusual happened maybe I wasn't just a failure. I can see or you may say I can understand who's is gonna to die just by looking at them. I saw a man who pases from the brigde everyday, he was slowly fading away and after a week he died. I thought it was a mere coincidence but my heart dropped when I saw grandma's face was pale, maybe it's cause of weather, I told my self a thousand time and evry time I knew the truth.
Grandma is old and have a serious cough issue by she doesn't go to a doctor for check up. Slowly and gradually the centre of her chest started to get hollow in my eyes.........
That night I went to sleep with grandma, which I never did earlier. She embraced me into her arms and telling me not to turn out like her daughter. Sometimes,I wonder was that lady truly her daughter?
I didn't said anything, I just laid next to her untill morning. In morning when se woke up, the first thing she searched for was the purple flowers. " I didn't bring them today" I said in low voice. " I wish I could have one today as well" , she said looking out of the window. I rushed outside to bring the flowers. I made a booke for her, I think she will like it....
There is some time before she will be gone. Before that I want to thank her for everything....
I want to tell her her that she smells just like my mother and I love the soup when it's slightly on the spicy side.

I want to tell her everything!

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