

The locked secret
Hello everyone am Bonnie and I lived with my mum,my dad and baby sister Iris at California and things were going great until I found out about something I shouldn't have,stay and find out.
I was at my final year while Iris was at second grade,I have always watched over her like a hawk,I was always there to pick her whenever she fall,she loved me more than more and my guess is that mom wasn't always around to take care of her,but dad was,Iris and I loved dad so much,he was the complete opposite of mom, always there for us,never forget about our birthdays,we loved him so much.
After my final year,I was preparing for college,I wrote scholarship exams at different college,I was still at home waiting for one to call me when one day,I was home alone,or so I thought,when I decided to keep myself busy cause I became bored from counting butterflies and watching love stories,I began to explore the house when I came across a small room at one end of the house,which I found strange cause I haven't seen that before,I tried to open it but at first it wasn't responding,after some time it finally the room door was open.
I walked in to see a dusty room with nothing but an old diary,a locked chest and a locked drawer,I was curious to know what was in those locked object,so I looked round in search for a key but couldn't find one,so I sat down to read the diary,in it I found out that my mom had a secret affair with another guy while she was dating my dad,I was surprised and angry, but kept reading on,it was at the end of the diary I got to know that mom slept with this mystery man and got pregnant with me,I was so angry,I threw the book away to find two keys falling out of the book.
I used it to open the chest first to see a picture of the mystery man,and was surprised to know that it was dad's best friend,with tears in my eyes I opened the drawer and saw tons of love letters there I got to read some but stopped half way when I heard my name,I turned to see dad and Iris,dad was asking me what I was holding and I just broke down crying like a baby,Iris took some of the letters and read them,dad did so too and we were all mad at mom.
we took the evidence down stairs and luckily, mom was just coming back from work,as soon as she saw the diary she froze,dad asked her to explain herself but she just lost it, screaming at me and dad to mind our business and finally telling us that she never loved dad nor any of us,it was that day she left,she wanted custody of us but dad fought hard,even after knowing am not his biological child he still kept me,I love him so much.

Thank you guys for reading, please like,share and comment,I love you all.
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