

Singles' Ministry---Day5
Singles’ Ministry---Day 5

“Lord, I’m trying…I am trying to understand him, I am trying to understand my feelings, I am trying to understand what You are doing…I’m longing to hear your voice over all the noise around me. People gossiping, assuming they know what’s going on when in reality I don’t even know the truth…”


Nadia’s graduation party was in full swing. The Taylor family pulled out all of the stops to celebrate the fact that Nadia had earned her Master’s degree in education. She wasn’t the first person in the family to graduate from college, but she was the first to finish graduate school.

Nadia was laughing with her cousin Mariah and best friend Nikki. They were sharing memories from their childhood and reminiscing on the various moments when their antics got them into trouble. Rob watched Nadia intently as the women enjoyed each other’s company. She had no clue the man of her dreams was studying her as if she was the only person in the room.

Nadia was trying to pay attention to the story Nikki was telling, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was looking at her. She scanned the room and her breath caught in her chest as she locked eyes with Rob. The playful Rob typically would smile when Nadia caught him staring at her. This time he didn’t smile. Instead, he chose to lower the invisible wall between the duo and allowed her complete access to his innermost feelings.

Nadia swallowed hard. Her heart began to race. In his eyes she saw fear, attraction, confusion, and what appeared to be insecurity. Nadia softened. She could relate to how he felt because she woke up this morning not knowing how to process the dream, she had…

Nadia’s thoughts transported her back to the dream she had the night before.

Nadia sits in a chair. She is dejected and darkness surrounds her. She cannot see anything around her. Nadia begins to cry. She feels so lost. Where is she? Why is she there? Where is everyone else? Nadia’s thoughts and feelings attempt to consume her. Nadira walks into the dark space just before Nadia succumbs to the weight of her emotions.

Nadira reaches out and lifts Nadia’s head. Nadira smiles at her big sister. She extends her hand a second time and without saying a word she encourages her sister to follow her lead. Nadia accepts Nadira’s hand and walks through the darkness with the missing piece of her heart. Nadira continues her silent communication by instructing Nadia to stand in place. Nadia follows her sibling’s instructions and awaits Nadira’s return.

Nadira comes back holding the hand of a heartbroken Rob. His shoulders are slumped, his head drooped. He looks lost. Nadira stands in the gap between both Rob and Nadia. She reaches out to hold their hands. Nadira crosses her hands and causes Nadia and Rob to hold hands. The pair look into each other’s eyes. Both posses expressions of sadness, indecision, fear, worry, and hope. Nadira smiles. It is a smile of peace and contentment. She takes a step back. The scene now looks like a bride and groom standing before a minister as each prepare to exchange vows of eternal love and devotion. Nadia and Rob turn to look at Nadira. She smiles and nods her approval. Nadia and Rob return their gazes to each other.

Rob pulls Nadia in close to his body. He wraps his arms around her in one of the most protective, loving, and sincere hugs two people could ever share. Nadia melts into the embrace. They are enveloped by a warmth that neither Nadia or Rob have felt before. Peace consumes them. Nadira slowly backs away and fades into the darkness. A spotlight illuminates Rob and Nadia as they rest in their oneness.

When Nadia opened her eyes in the morning, the first word out of her mouth was “Lord?” Now twelve hours later, she found herself wandering through the depths of Rob’s eyes, begging him to trust her with whatever was going on with him.

Mariah broke the trance that captivated Rob and Nadia. She nudged her cousin in the shoulder. “Dia…? Dia…girl are you paying attention?
Nadia shook her head. “Huh? My bad. What’s up?”
“Aunt Jackie said you need to come into the dining room and cut the cake because Aunt Trina and Uncle Greg have to take Grandma back home.” Mariah replied.

“Okay, I’m coming.” Nadia said. She looked across the room and caught Rob’s attention “You want some cake?”

Rob broke into one of the biggest grins she had ever seen. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that question…” His voice trailed off and his eyes danced with pure playfulness.

Nadia gave him a sideways glance as she planted a sharp side pose. “Yeah, okay. Keep playing.”

Rob responded with a mischievous smirk planted across his face. “I’m trying…”

Nadia playfully sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. “Boy bye.”

Nadia left Rob laughing on the couch in the living room while she went to cut the cake for her family.

By eleven p.m. the only people left at the party was Rob, Nadia, Nikki and India, another one of Nadia’s cousins. Joe and Jackie had turned in for the night over an hour ago. They decided to leave the young people to enjoy each other’s company without them in the way. Nadia was appreciative to her parents for understanding they needed some space even though the party was held at the Taylor’s home. To be completely honest, Nadia was hoping India would take a hint and head home too. Nadia knew Nikki was only there because India hadn’t left yet. India wasn’t a bad person, but she had a history of being a total flirt. Nikki knew that Nadia had feelings for Rob and from where she stood, Rob had those same feelings for her best friend. There was no way she was going to let India put a wedge between Nadia and Rob.

The quartet sat in the living room listening to a throwback slow jams station. Rob jumped up at the next song. It was one of his favorites. He walked over to the couch where the cousins were seated. Rob stretched out his hand. “Na-Dee, you want to dance?”
Nadia looked up at the expectant expression on his face. She allowed a slow smile to crawl up her face.

“I will!” India interjected before her cousin had a chance to respond.

Rob and Nadia snapped their heads in India’s direction.

“He said Na-Dee not IN DEE YUH.” Nikki rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest.

India backed down some but not completely “Oh…well our names do sound alike.” She shrugged.

“But they’re not the same.” Nikki declared, shutting down any hopes India had of dancing with Rob.

Rob shook his head at the antics of the women in the room. He turned his attention back to Nadia “You gonna dance with me or are you gonna leave me hanging?” Rob tilted his head and arched his eyebrows.

Nadia’s heartbeat quickened. Her hand shook slightly. This moment reminded her of her dream. She took a deep breath to steady herself. She took his hand in hers and allowed him to lead them to the middle of the living room.

Rob carefully wrapped his arms around Nadia’s waist. Nadia followed his lead and wrapped her arms around his neck. For just a moment, the couple stared into one another’s eyes. They smiled. Nadia rested her head on his chest as they swayed to the smooth melodies of the 90’s hit.

Come back tomorrow to find out what happens next in Rob and Nadia’s story