

A fallen leaf. Final chapter.
#afallenleaf #shan #tom #finalchapter #story

Final chapter :
Tom and Shan comes to Shan's apartment. Tom is still confused about what to do with his feelings for Shan. he is aware that she is a great friend and he could have died if she didn't take care of him. she was his friend, his roommate, his only supporter. he just kept thinking about all this untill he fell asleep.
Next morning.
Tom wakes up and sees Shan laying upside down on her bed. he goes to her and keep looking at her.
Tom : Shan, I do love you. maybe I will never be brave enough to say it to you but you are my angel. and I never want to loose you. I just want to be with you, always.
Tom carrasses her hair gently but that woke her up.
Shan : ummmm, you are up already?
I don't even remember when we got home last night. (smiles)
Tom : right after, you fell from the stairs.
Shan : what? I don't remember.
Tom : yeah, why would you? Because it was me who carried you all the way up here. and you are getting heavy.
Shan : really? say that again.
Tom : (laughs) ok ok. well, I think I should go now.
Shan : wait, lets have breakfast. I will cook for you, like alI used to.
Tom : ok.
Shan makes the breakfast and they eat together.
Tom : ok Shan, I am leaving. Take care.
Shan : you too. bye.
Tom left but he still keep thinking about her all day.
Tom : uhh, this is so frustrating. I wanna tell her and I know her, she might punch me. but still, I can't take this anymore. I have to tell her.
ok, let's just call her and I will ask her to meet me and well....... I hope for the best.
Tom calls Shan. but she doesn't pick up.
Tom : oh she always answers the phone but today I need it the most and she is not answering.
Tom calls her over and over again. but she doesn't answer.
Tom : fuck........ maybe she is busy. I'll call her later.
Tom gets busy with work. Then Tom calls her again in the evening. but Shan still doesn't pick up the phone.
Tom : this is BS. what the fuck is she doing? I am gonna go to see her now.
Tom leaves to go to Shan's apartment.
but when he was walking down the road near her apartment, two masked men came and grabbed him and threw him in the car and drove away.
Tom's eyes were covered with a cloth and he kept screaming. but no use. they took him to a lonly place outside the city. and he jumped out of the car, trying to escape.
Masked man : oh you think so?
no one could ever escape from Mr. R.
so stop even thinking about it and just come with us.
Tom : but who the hell is Mr.R ? I don't even know him. what does he want from me?
Masked man : you will know. keep walking.
they take Tom inside a warehouse. they tied his hands and legs and threw him in a dark room.
Tom : no, wait. stop it. what are you doing.
Masked man : don't you dare to scream. Mr.R will be here soon, till that just stay here with this girl and both of you keep quiet.
Tom : (surprised) what girl?
he saw a girl lying in the corner of the dark room. he crawled to her.
Tom :. hey.
he tried to move her face towards him. and he got shoked.
It was Shan, lying on the floor, unconscious.
He tried to wake her up but failed.
he became so terrified that he almost fainted.
after 2 hours, a man with beard and long white hair showed up.
The man : Tom,
how are you my child.
Tom : w...who are.... y..you?
The man : (laughs) you don't know me? well that's ok young boy. but your father knows me well.
Tom : uh, I knew it, that one day I will die because of him.
but why Shan? what did she do to you ? why did you capture her ?
Mr. R : because she was getting in our way. always trying to save you. so it was necessary to kill her before we kill you.
Tom : noooooooo. you can't kill her.
Shan you can't die. you can't leave me like this. please.
Masked man : she is not dead yet, but she soon will so save your tears man.
Tom : no please, don't kell her. kill me but please spare her. please.
suddenly a bullet is fired and few stangers walk in.
Mr. R : what's that? boys take your position.
Both sides start shooting the bullets.
but Mr. R gets the invader on gun point.
Mr. R : alright, the game is over, now come out who are you.
It was Mr. felix.
Tom : DAD ????
Mr. felix : I am sorry son, I am a terrible father. the reason you are on the death bed is me, meeee. I am so sorry. 😢
Tom : (speechless)..........
Mr.R : alright, enough chit chat.
now get ready to die.
Shan wakes up and sees Tom there.
Shan : nooooo, Tom ? why are you here.
Tom : they abducted me. (sobbes)
Mr. R : very well, I like this drama, I will kill you all, together. a happy ending guys. (laughs)
Mr. R : boys free them both and bring them out here. I want to see Felix on his knees, I want to see him begging for his son's life just like I did.
Mr. felix : I am so sorry. I know I can't fix that but please let my son go.
Mr. R : did you listen to me when I begged to you. no no no. YOU AND YOUR SON WILL HAVE TO DIE
and so will this girl. now get ready.
Mr. R gets everyone on knees with lowered head and is about to shoot.
suddenly someone fires another bullet, very close to Mr. R.
Mr. R : what the hell is that now?
bullets keep firing.
Mr. R takes cover and so do Tom and Shan and Mr. felix.
everyone is wondering who this person might be.
Tom : I think this is when we die.
Shan : Tom ?
Tom : Shan, but before we die I want to say something.
Shan : what is it Tom ? do you think this is the time to talk.
Tom : Shan I might not live to say it again.
Shan : uh...
Tom : Shan, look at me........
Shan : what?
Tom : ...........
Shan : say it now. stupid.
Tom : I was the boy you saved from the dogs that night. and I just want to tell you that I liked you since that moment. I couldn't see your face so I never figured out that it was you. but that night, under the bridge, you tild me that it was you.
Shan, I....... I really like you.🥺
Shan : ...................
suddenly John comes out of the dark.
Mr. R : this asshole? I am gonna destroy every one of you today.
both keeps firing. John keeps moving and gets close to Mr. R.
Mr. R tries to shoot Tom. Tom closes his eyes Mr. felix panicks but Shan gets in the way.
Shan fells on the ground.
Tom's heart skipped a beat. then he opned his eyes realizing that he was safe. then he sees Shan on the ground, covred in blood.
Tom : (freeze)
Mr. felix : oh no. (stays quiet while looking at Shan's body)
John shoots Mr R on the back and he fells down. both of his men runs away.
John runs to Tom and Shan.
Tom is still speechless and keep staring Shan.
John picks up Shan and get her in the car, starts driving to the hospital.
Mr. felix and Tom runs too.
Tom : please God please. don't take her from me. I beg. please.
Mr. felix : get in the car son.
they reach to the hospital and admit Shan.
Tom keeps sobbing and praying for her life.
Mr. felix : Tom, I am very sorry for everything I have done. I know how I treated you and I know that you can't forgive me.
Tom : (screams) I CAN'T. Shan is dying because of you. can your money bring her back.
Mr. felix : I am sorry. but I tried my best to save you as soon as I found out that Mr. R is after you.
Tom : I don't need to know what happened between you two. I just want Shan to be alright. ok?
so leave me alone.
Tom, Mr. felix and John are standing in the corridor with their heads down.
When Dr. came out.
Dr. : she is fine now. you can go see her but she is asleep right now.
Mr. felix : huuuuh, thank God, and thank you doctor.
Tom runs inside crying.
he sees Shan on the bed with her eyes closed. he sits beside her.
Tom : Shan........
uhhh I can't live without you. (cries)
Tom keeps staring at her face then he starts singing the song (a fallen leaf)...........
Tom looks at her face when he finished the song,
he comes closer to her face.
then he kissed her and carrasses her hair.
Shan opens her eyes.
Tom smiles and hugs her.

please comment to let me know what you think about the story. and thank you for reading.🙏

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