

Starting Over
Chapter One
Amy heard the words that I was saying but she looked like they weren't registering in her mind. It was as if her brain wouldn't let her process what I was saying to her.
I knew how she was feeling at that moment. Larry was my best friend and he had been my whole life. He was the center of Amy's world. If there is a such of a thing as soulmates then Larry and Amy would definitely be counted among their numbers.
The three of us grew up with each other and did everything together. Nothing would ever come between us. That is until the unthinkable happened. The reason I was standing in Amy's living room when I wanted to be anywhere else at that moment.

Chapter Two

Larry took metal working in our senior year of high School. He wanted to create something special for Amy. Something one of a kind. She would have the only one in the world. He designed a charm about the size of a quarter. In the center it had LP under that was a heart with apostrophe s. Under that it had the letters AC. He bought an eighteen carat gold chain so she could wear it around her neck.
She was so proud of it that I don't think she ever took it off. I knew for a fact that he had only made one and he had placed it on Amy himself. I know because I was there.
They had their whole life planned out. They were going to go on to college and get their diploma's. Get married and raise a family. They even knew how many kids they wanted. At least four. Two boys and two girls. That was a minimum. But it was up to God to decide the final Talley.

Chapter Three

Now here I was. Trying to find the right words to tell Amy that everything they had planned for their future had ended on a freshly graveled road in a curve. The trooper at the scene said that his motorcycles front wheel had slid on the gravel and he lost control. He also said that in his opinion Larry died on impact with the road and he didn't suffer.
Amy screamed. I guess my words finally got through. All she kept saying was no no no oh please God not My Larry. I had no words that would ease her grief. I turned and walked away and out the door.

Chapter Four

I was asked by Larry's parents if I would serve as one of his pallbearers since I was his best friend. Even though I knew it would be the hardest thing I had ever or would ever done I couldn't say no to them.
On the night of the viewing it seemed like the entire town showed up. It was an open casket and he just looked like he was asleep. There were no marks or briises anywhere on him. Amy couldn't control her grief. Everyone knew why and nobody complained about it. The next day was the funeral service and I think that even Larry would have approved. When the Service ended everyone had one final chance to view the body. I stood off to the side and watched. When Amy got to the casket she just stood there looking at him. Then she removed the necklace from around her neck and placed it between his hands and his heart. Then she walked away and the funeral directers closed and sealed the casket forever. The service moved to the cemetery where they put him in the ground for all eternity.

Chapter Five

About a month after Larry's funeral Amy began to act in a peculiar manner. She was different somehow. Like she had a secret that was hers alone. Then suddenly one day out of the blue she opened up to me and said that Larry had been coming to see her at night. She said he had told her that he was coming back for her soon. I just attributed to to her grieving and let it go. I was wrong.
Amy's mother found her when she went to wake her up for school. She had died in her sleep. That's what the coroner put in his final report. Her death certificate listed her cause of death as natural causes.
One day out of the blue Amy's mother called and asked me to come over because she wanted me to see something.
When I got there she gave me a cold drink and said she would be right back. when she got back she asked me if I saw Amy put in Larry's casket right before it was sealed. I told her that I had and she opened her hand and asked if it looked like what she was holding.
I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. It was impossible but there it was. The charm that she had placed in the casket with him. her mother said she Saw her put in there with him and she knew that I did too. We both Sat there just sat there looking at each other. There were no words to explain the unexplainable.

The End