

Relationship Chapter 3
When Rajiv gets a call from unknown person he worries about smita he takes his parents to the hospital there he asks to doctor that what happened to smita Dr asks rajiv to come in to his cabin after that when rajiv goes to doctor's cabin there he sits after that Dr tells him that smita is suffering from a Brian cancer rajiv again worries Dr tells him not to worry smota will be all right but smita will survive for 2 to 3 months if her treatment stops because of blood.

Here rajiv comes out from doctors cabin he saw his parents and he thinks that should he tell about smita's cancer to his parents but then he tells everything to his parents. After that he runs to arrange blood for smita , on the other hand smita's Father dhaneshwar was planning to break married life of rajiv and smita. Rajiv was very tensed because of smita's blood he was runnig for blood meanwhile rajiv got a call from hospital that they have got blood so not to worry, here rajiv was very happy for smita then he ran to the hospital. When rajiv reached to hospital he heard that rajiv's mother sumita gave blood to smita on the other side dhaneshwar was planning that how he can break rajiv and smita's married life.

Love is life
Love means sacrifice
Love means respect

Next episode coming soon.......