

open letter to loki,
dear Loki,
I know you don't get many letters but this one is from your ardent believer. Although you were not the most kindest or noblest avenger; I still count you as one. We can't judge a person on thier worst mistake cause people grow and prosper and so did you. You decieved and cheated Thor on multiple occasions but when he needed help you did come through. You sacrificed your throne which was very dear to you for him. You sacrificed your life trying to protect him. You maybe the god of mischief but in the end you were so much more.
You made a lot of bad decisions in your life, but can we hold it against you? You were hurting; the truth of your identity weighed heavy on you but unfortunately there was no one to help you. At that time even your brother whom you thought had your back let you down and you lashed out.
When Frigga, you mother died, you mourned quietly. Many may have not noticed but the death of your mother made you distraught. Her death took its heavy toll on you as you were weighed down with guilt and regret and you had to put up an 'illusion' a facade to cover up your vulnerability.
Although we all wish and claim to be as brave and selfless as one of the avengers, we all know deep down that we really are a Loki- the lord of mischief; putting up a facade, an illusion to cover up our demons. But you taught us an important lesson; that we can be more than who we're supposed to be if we tried. We've seen you do it. So I thank you for that.

Stay gold Loki.

One of your minions of mischief.
© neha__estelle