

The Hello Man Chapter 9: The Underworld on Earth
The Hello Man walked forward. While he was walking foreward all weapons disappeared. The Hello Man walked slowly, peacefully, out of breath up the hill with the golden throne on. When he reached the top of the gigantic hill, he sat on the throne. A few minutes later the undead, reapers, demonic spirits, demons and more horrifying creatures began walking towards the hill where The Hello Man was sitting on. All the creature started to bend their backs forward at The Hello Man's derection. The Hello Man smiled for a few seconds.
In the year 2028 gateway potals began opening all around planet Earth. Giant black rocks fell out of the portals. The rocks went flying into the planet's atmosphere. The rocks landed in different parts of the world, Egypt, London, Japan, Russia, America, South Africa, Texas, China, Mexico and much more. The rocks broke as if it was eggs when they landed and hundreds of undead creatures and reapers began walking out of it. They started to kill/destroy everything they saw. Later the rocks stop falling out of the sky, but visible demonic spirits and demons began flying around the skies. Volcanoes all around the world started to explode with lava. Earthquakes began while Tornadoes began spinning. The sky started to turn from light blue to light red. People all around the world are getting killed. At a secret underground lab somewhere underneath the Atlantic ocean a scientist was busy creating a cure for cancer untill he heard of the the attack about the Underworld on the radio. He quickly ran to the lab next door. He stood still. Infront of him was SATAN. SATAN wasn't very big, infact he was as big as a door and a half. The scientist told SATAN what was happening all around the world. SATAN then said, "So The Hello Man finally try to take over the world, Ha!, he can try, this planet is protected by the man upstairs, not even I was so dump to try to take over this planet. But I guess I have my chance to take my place on my throne back." SATAN took a golden sword which was next to him on a table. He killed the scientist by slicing his head clean off. He walked forward while openning his wings extremely wide. He started to run. All the sudden he turned into fire while he was disappearing. He teleported to in the sky somewhere in Texas. He was flying strait into the sky. Then stopped. He was 3 kilometers above the Earth's atmosphere. Infront of him was a gateway poral to the Underworld. He flew into it. He flew a while in the skies of the Underworld untill he reached the hill, the hill where The Hello Man was sitting on. SATAN stopped flying when he was above The Hello Man and while he was falling he punched The Hello Man off of the throne. While The Hello Man was getting up, SATAN stabbed him with the golden sword. Then all the sudden The Hello Man got up to his feet and pulled the sword out of his stomach. He kicked SATAN on his left leg and then stabbed him with his own sword in his right arm while he was falling to the ground. SATAN screamed of the pain. While the sword disappeared by turning into fire, SATAN punched The Hello Man in the stomach. The Hello Man went flying off of the hill, crashing into another large hill. SATAN came flying strait to The Hello Man's derection and punched him again, but just this time in the face. The Hello Man went crashing through the hill while crashing into 3 more hills. Just when SATAN went flying strait to The Hello Man for another punch, a golden hammer with a long handle appeared in the The Hello Man's right hand. He used it to smack SATAN in the face. SATAN went falling down on the burning red ground. The Hello Man threw the hammer straight at SATAN. SATAN caught it. The Hello Man then asked SATAN how he is still alive. SATAN replied, "Just when I was in the merge of death I teleported to Earth by turning into fire. There a scientist helped me, but still I have to say that Earth ain't a home to a demon-god!" Then all the sudden the hammer turned on fire. SATAN threw the Hammer at The Hello Man's derection and The Hello Man went flying into a gateway portal. SATAN yelled, "I am the rightfully god of this place and I ban you from here you piece of rotten unworthy mortal flesh!" All the sudden all the Underworld creatures teleported back to the Underworld, the tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanoes stopped, all gate portals closed and for The Hello Man, well he landed in a forest with half of his powers gone.

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