Present-Day Propaganda and Its Effect on the Populace
Nearly everyone is aware that the government's purpose is to oppress its citizens rather than to protect and serve them. This autonomous, self-serving government relies on two factors to maintain power:
First, after forming its own armies, it must keep the populace docile and subversive, instilling almost complete dependence, faith, and loyalty. To ensure this blind loyalty, the social climate must be kept volatile, unpredictable, and chaotic, so that people increasingly rely on their government for protection. To accomplish this, urban chaos and petty crime must be actively fostered, not just encouraged.
The general rule is that confusion yields profit; the more confusion, the greater the profit. As a result, the best approach is to create problems and then provide solutions.
The second factor required for populace control is to strip away the power inherent in the people as a result of their size and group solidarity. Such solidarity must be stripped away by any means necessary, eroded by fear, suspicion, and confusion. At an emotional and psychological level, this serves to isolate the individual from the group and leads to a loss of responsibility and courage. This way, the individual feels less and less the strength of the community and is left with only the security of hiding within it.
At a more concrete level, as mistrust and suspicion grow, there will be a corresponding breakdown of organization, communication, and stability within that community, leading to more confusion. At this point, the group begins to look towards the ruling party in search of its lost sense of order and cohesion. Little by little, the people are made to give up their solidarity, their power, their dignity, their self-respect, their freedom, and finally and most mundanely, their arms. At this point, they are vulnerable to takeover. ...