

friend in need.... (1)
The email he has received today is marked urgent. But it's from a friend who died two years ago.He gets shocked... how? who would send him a message from this id?...
He open the mail and started reading carefully...
"It all started at that station. How could they leave him alone there? Please help him... He is alone... Please"
Sid get confused.. How? Who is alone? Which station? What exactly his friend wants to say?
Two years ago, Jack had an accident which lead him dead. Sid can't forgot that incident as he was the only witness of it. He was standing across the road that time. He is still trying to pull himself and suddenly received this mail.
He checks the id again and again. He thinks that someone making prank on him.
Jack's hit and run case is still pending. Police are trying to find the culprit. They already took Sid's statement. Sid told them every thing he remembered. But still Sid don't understand why couldn't the police able to solve the case.
This mail run into his mind.
"May be I am over thinking.", he thought and try to forget this all.
Next day, he wake up and just hope that may every thing be the dream. He checks the mail and he got scared this time cause there is a new mail from the same id.
"Don't trust him, he can fool you any how. But help him. He needs your help... Please... "
Now sid gets scared. who the hell is sending this? And who is the person he talking about? Though he don't trust them, decides to inform this to police. Cause may be this can get some lead in the Jack's case investigation.
. ..... to be continued.....

© Ady