

Dark House
Mr. Jorge was soo curious to know the facts. He is always hungry to know something mysterious things.
so when he was browsing the laptop, Jorge saw the add of
DARK HOUSE. add shares the location of dark House and says, Stay away from this House.
He wanted to know the history of dark House, but nothing found.
he was back to sleep.
in dreams he was dreaming about dark House,
he felt someone is trying to say about Dark House. but it's not clear enough. so he decided to go there in the morning.
next day morning he started to the Dark House. it was 300km from Jorge place.
He reached to the Dark House.
when he saw the House he was in shock.
the house was so mysterious. house surrounded with the lake. he reached to the door. When he Ring the door bell,
Someone answered,.... Mr. Jorge stay away from the dark House.
Jorge was thrilled, who is in the house, how does they know my name. with the huge doubts he entered in the house.
There is no lights, no ventilation, but he is hearing the sounds of Chiropteras.
he switched on the tourch, suddenly the bats raised towards him.
he slowly started looking surroundings in the room. he saw the photograph of a old man, the old man looks very similar to Jorge.
Suddenly....... Suddenly some one pushed him to the corner of the room.
Jorge trying to escape. but it's too Hard.
A old man voice in the room,

i told you not to come here.

this is my place.

why did you come here.

you have no more options to escape from me now.

Jorge replied to the voice..

who are you??

how do you know my name??

what was the secret of the dark house??

The old voice was so angry to answer the Jorge questions.
the voice was very loud.
Stop asking me.
Start praying for you.

Because no one gona help you now.

Jorge was trying to escape from the house. but suddenly he realised the old photo looks similar to his face.

Jorge again asked the old voice..
why do I look similar to the old photograph?

The voice replied with the hunted scary laugh..

The photo looks similar to everyone before they die.

Jorge was soo scared..
he was thinking to escape from the dark house.
he moved from the corner of the room.
searching for the lights.
because every evil creature scares for the lights.
finally he found the switch board.
he immediately turned all the lights at once.
he was watching all around.
suddenly he heard a sound..
turn of the lights
off the lights immediately.
but Jorge wasn't bothered about it, and he even lighted a fire stick.
A dark fog was passing from the room to turn off the lights.
Jorge saw that and hunted the fog with the fire stick.
get out of the house.
he burnt all the mats in the house to raise up the more lightd.
he stayed for a long time in the house with lights.
then the old photograph was broken.
a fog was disappeared.
Jorge understood that there is no evil Power in the house now.

he left the place by turning on the lights.

he came to the dark house after couple of days,
the lights glowed the entire house.
the ventilation was so great in the house.
he felt very happy to see the house with a beautiful glow.

the news addition was highlighted the Jorge.. for solving the dark house mystery.


Being in the dark for a long time changes your mood, and behaviour, the negative Vibes comes from ourselves. darkness creates the evil ness in us.

Add some lights to your self, that brings you more power, more strength and good vibes.

© @ Divya~