

They say Too much attachment can kill you.
Absolutely right!
But there's a more dangerous killer than attachment.
It's called PERFECTION.
Attachment can still be ended, but if it's Perfection that's controlling you, it's a dead end.
Look around you, or look at yourself, and point one thing which is perfect.
Everything, every single thing, or life, has its own pros and cons.
Perfect is something without the cons. And we haven't discovered anything like that yet.
You know why?
You know why.
Because there's no such thing! Neither can ever be!
So stop chasing after perfection!
It only exists in dictionaries.
Use it only for praise or encouragement, not to control your life!
Don't say "I'm perfect on my own."
Say " I'm normally imperfect, and so is everyone and everything else. "
Stop working towards your dress being perfect, your family being perfect, your relations, your kids, their grades, your job,your house, your car, your makeup, your communication skills, your personality, someone's personality, someone's behaviour ; you want me to add more or you got it?
And don't think about the "perfect" compositions for various chemical compounds. I know that too.
But I hope you get what 'perfection' I'm talking about here.
So, are you a "perfectionist" or is it controlling you without you knowing?
Take a deep breath and see if it's true for you, "My desk, bed and closet is messy, it's ok, I'll do that later. Right now I'm busy trying my level best to repair my life."
If that's you, it's highly likely that perfection is controlling you.
Dealing with hardships is one thing, but trying to perfect your life is another and it's a disaster.
People even try to perfect their emotions, can you believe it! Wait, are you one of them?!!
I know you hear everyone saying it's ok to cry, to share your sadness with someone, it doesn't mean you are weak.
But let me tell you this thing - it's also OK if you can't or don't cry. It's also OK if you can't or don't share things/ emotions with others. And it's absolutely OK if this doesn't mean that you are strong.
I always say this and will say again.
Every morning you wakeup, you only have 24hrs of your life. Infact you only have some minutes of life. You never know if one morning you wake up, go to bathroom, get slipped, hit your head hard and die. But let's just keep our lifespan to 24 hrs for now.
Stop chasing perfection in such limited time that you have of your life.
Accept things, acknowledge them, face them, embrace them, move on from them, but don't try to perfect them.
Life's too short to run after a non existing thing.
Live in the moment and clean that messy desk, bed, closet or whatever. Life will keep going, so should you.

Breathe, and keep moving.

Wait, you didn't even realise you were breathing?!!
And then you were trying to perfect life!

Someone please save this guy from himself. (should I add /girl and /herself also or do you females get it?)

© bani745