

The fate tradition.
The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it. I am still scared of what awaits in that big old abandoned town. I am not ready to be ready for this journey but that is not an option. After all, fate works in ways that is not understood by man. As if the key is not enough, I have to go with my worst enemy in this fatal mission and that alone gives me cold blood. What kind of a mission is this? How can I escape it? I can't do this! Why me? All these are rhetorics running west to east of my mind.

So I am supposed to wake up with eyes closed but minds open to mark the begin of it. I should not carry nor touch nor eat nor see anything made by man. I am supposed to visit my enemy- Eashira before the sun rises and together make an offering to bind us together. We are both supposed to was each others feet, eyes and neck. Then worst kiss each other and have sex to symbolise that we are one body to be approved by the spirits of the abandoned town. I am scared of this, I am scared of all this thing, I cannot avoid it, I cannot escape it, I cannot postpone it. That is why I cannot be ready.

I am going to bed, but according to the instructions, I will not dress anything or sleep on the bed. The hard floor is torturing my night, the silence of the dark is eating my patience and my thoughts are suckling my braveness. I will be woken up by Spirit Buzkengi. He is the master of time and that is his work. I don't trust him and he does not trust me either. I and him are different as I come from a rivalry lineage. During tge times of my great grandparents, their tribe attempted to wipe out our tribe. My grandmother survived and that is how I exist. My existence provokes his generosity and that is why he does not love me.

I cannot do this! I am not one body with Eashira. He is my destiny mate and I have no love for him. To hell with this fate, fuck this destiny and fuck the tradition of marriage harder. They say if you escape fate or try to change it, it will catch up with a bang! So fuck what they say, I am ready for the outcome. I rather make my own fate and be happy with it, but not be a slave to one.