

Letter to my dad
Dear Dad,

I've always loved you, even when your silence felt like hatred. Seeing others share moments with their dads reminded me of what I longed for – a smile, a word, any sign of connection from you.

Did you know I excelled in sports and topped my class in tenth grade? Each achievement felt hollow without you to share it with.

Now, as I about to pursue medicine course, I can't help but wonder if you're proud. I know deep down you wanted to be a doctor. I hope my journey fulfills a part of your dream.

I long for your love, but it feels out of reach. Despite the hurt, I still care for you deeply. If given one wish, it would be to have you as my loving father again

I know our relationship is strained, but I still hope for reconciliation. I'm sorry if my words cause you pain, for "dad" I long to call you, again.

With love,
© Aboorva