

Rooms(Episode 2)

© Arhis'Tm
...Episode 2...
She leaned over to her left with fair as she thought of getting up to run , but , instead she found a circular wooden stick . She quickly grabbed it while getting up to run. She held the wooden stick like a sword, ready to attack the monster she thought was coming to attack her. She also started hearing the breathing of the unknown monster or monsters from all directions in the room , and so she actively swung the wooden stick in all directions nonstop , until she hit something.

"Silence," it's all that she can hear now , nothing else , not even her heartbeat, she can only hear silence. Her thoughts filled with fear , her body shaking nonstop , even her short strands of hair rose as if they were being called to. That's how much fair she was gathering up inside, her fair count has passed 100% .

Instead of standing there like a fool, she ran , dropping the stick in the process.
With luck , she found the door . She quickly opened it , but what's on the other side would make you want to stay back In the dark and silent room.

Episode 3 coming out on ???
Debate In the comments below!If you want me to start posting 2 episodes a day , let me know in the comments below!