

A moment I'll always cherish, was on a bright summer's morning. The sun shone brightly against my countenance. I woke up and I walked outside, as I often love to do.

I stood from afar. I had a glimpse of my beautiful rose garden. The flowers were dancing in the breeze. I have a variety of the different colours of roses. I can see yellow and purple roses. Pink and white roses. Oh! What a heavenly site I'm experiencing this beautiful summers morning.

We as God's children are like roses of different colours. We are unique and beautiful! We stand out! We are God's masterpiece! Just as God created the beautiful roses so to did He create us.

I stand once again, and watch my rose garden and I have an ephiney. A thought! I ask myself who except God can create such beauty and sweetness? God's the creator of all things. He knew us before we were formed in our mothers womb. We are wonderfully and fearfully made by God Himself.

We are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. We must let our light, our goodness shine before others, so they can see our good deeds and glorify our father in heaven. " Full many a flower is born to blush unseen and waste it's sweetness in the desert air. " This is a famous quote which means, we must let our beauty radiate in this world! We must not hide our beauty and goodness from the world but rather let our beauty overwhelm others as well,so they might wonder and ponder about our God, in whom we are trusting, which is Jesus Himself, the Only true Messiah of this world!