

The envious neighbour
continuation ......
When the good old man saw that the dog whom he had lent did not come home when he went next door to ask what had become of him and the wicked old man said that he had killed the dog and buried him at the root of a pine tree so the good old fellow with the heavy heart went to the spot and having set out tray with delicious food he burnt incense and around the grave with flowers and as he shed tears over his lost pet

that night when the good old man was fast asleep in the bed that appeared to him and after thanking him for all his kindness said cause the pine tree under which I am buried to be cut down and made into a motor and use it thinking of it as if it were myself

the old man did as the dog had told him to do and made a motor out of the wood of the pine tree but when he ground his rice in at each grain of the rice turn into some rich pressure when the wicked old couples are this they came to borrow the motor but no sooner did they try to use it all the rise turned into filth so in a fit of rage they broke the motor and burn it
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