

Dense populated area of a village with slums and huts
mainly depending on agriculture.
penadamic finished everything people reached at the door of starvation.
People started dying without any medical assistance.
Among the huts a mother with two kids
Looked for food around but unfortunately nothing she gets.
A landlord with lot of wealth and assets he use to ruled over village.
Had a son he completed his studies and nowadays he is looking after father business affairs.
His father was strict miser and much more.
One evening he heard cries of kids
he felt disappointed and looking for huts .
after while he reached near the hut and listened conversation of mother tried to convince her child that she is cooking for them it will take time.
Some time she narrate story after few minutes kids slept.
He asked permission to enter in hut.
mother surprised a young fair charming smart person surely he is son of land lord.
she asked i did any mistake my lord.
He told no no i herad some one is crying
so i came in search of .
Ya i am son of land lord what are you cooking .
she felt uneasy and highly disappointed tears rolled from her eyes .
He offered his handkerchief she hesitated at last she wiped her tears.
and showed nothing is inside utensil she is only telling lie from kids only warm water with pieces with stone inside.
He was very disturbed and left.
He took around of village and found people are in real problem they are facing starvation illness and many more.
He reached and narrated what he noticed. landlord replied its usual nothing new for me.he argued his father for justice
at last his father melted and agreed for help.
now essential reached at evey home
people are feeling better and they prayed for landlord family.