

You are watching something on your laptop. When the screen turns dark for some brief seconds in between, you see your face in the reflection. The guilt rises up. The guilt of not doing anything, and the anxiety. You still don't start doing something all of a sudden but now your attention is diverted. You want to do something but there is nothing. There is a void that has not found anything to fill itself.

You are afraid to see yourself in the mirror. You think something's wrong with you. The way you run your life, your time. You close your eyes but the thoughts don't leave your mind. You start writing but after a point, even the sentences don't have much to say. So you stop. You stuff your hands inside your pocket and just sit there, staring at the void. The room, the music, the laptop screen, the reflection, everything's still present but not you. You are lost, again.
You wish to somehow escape from all of this but you don't know how to. After all, there's no way you can run from your mind. Or is there?