

The Dying Soilder
I feel it, I really feel it...

The mountains sing to me. It’s a beautiful song.
How beautiful the sky, the evening moon...
Is that flute I hear... such enticing sounds. The grass feels so soft, must be new born. I see the cows grazing them, a calf dancing around his mother... and being ignored. I wonder what joy he must feel. The tall grasses have a unique taste to them. I feel free...in this moment, I am free.

It’s cold!...Was it winter!...Why is it so cold!!!


I am bleeding...

I am...dying...

I wonder what heaven will be like...would it be like this. That would be nice.
Ah!...A goat...a goat’s coming near me....I am not grass you know...


It knows I am not dangerous....

WHERE IS HER MASTER? There’s no one around...

Although! Even if anyone was around...There is little hope anyone will help. Helping militants is
costly business. Farmers wouldn’t want trouble like that.

I’LL DIE HERE...there is no doubt about that.

What? It’s a bullet wound. Go away...go...’Hyat’....’Hyah’.... Quite a stubborn goat you are...go
away...HyaaAAAOW....AO...ouch...oh... It hurts...better to not move around too much. Let her be for now,
she doesn’t seem to respond to threats. If I wasn’t shot, you’d be chilli soup by now...stupid goat.

Ahhhhh...I’m tired...I’m tired...
I miss her... Oh...I miss her so much. I am dying alone here...where are you...I am dying alone....where ar..