

AM I A MERMAID...!!! Part-4
Eliza war terrified then one of the merman from the gang(Shadow)came to her and ask her to close her eyes and asked to touch a shell.When she touched that shell,a bright flash occured.Every one around Eliza were shocked,and Eliza dont know what's happening. Even Michel doesn't know what happening but he understood that Shadow's gang is going to take her away.So he hold Eliza's hand and started to swim fast.The Shadow's gang was chasing them.Later Eliza and Michel reached to his place back.Michel's friends also reached there with sea witch.Eliza wanted to go back on land and meet her friends and her grandma.Sea witch handed her a magical potion and asked her to spell the magic along.Eliza followed her.Michel helped Eliza to go back to the beach,and while leaving he promised her that he will definitely found out what is happening to her.Eliza has only 1 week time as the potion work only for 1 week.She have to return back to the ocean within 1 week.

Eliza went into the beach house,her bestie(Sona)was crying for her.All her friend were terrifiedly worried about Eliza.When they saw her they ran fast to the door and hugged her tightly.Her crush Max had already complained to police about her missing.He felt very happy to see her back.They started asking her questions about her missing.

HELLO PEOPLE...!!!I hope you guys are enjoying the story.Do u wanna know what gonna happen next?


© Tharannum shaik