

Priyadarshini Mattoo Case : Part - 1
Padarshini Mattoo was a 25 year old law student, who was found raped and murdered at her house in New Delhi on 23 January, 1996.
Born on July 23,1973, Priyadarshini Mattoo was a smart and beautiful young girl. She came from a musically talented family and was herself a good singer and guitar player. Her friends called her "a tom boy, not at all submissive, and very compassionate towards animals. A bubbly girl loaded with confidence..."
After finished school from the Presentation Convent School in Srinagar, her family migrated to Jammu. There she completed her B.Com from MAM College, And then she joins Delhi University for her LLB course. She stays in her uncle's residence in new delhi with her parents at B-10/7098, Vasant Kunj. Priyadarshini Mattoo was a student of LL.B. at University of Delhi in Campus Law Centre from 1993.
Santosh Kumar Singh was also a student of LL.B. in campus Law Centre, in University of Delhi. Santosh came from an influential family - his father J.P. Singh was then Inspector General of Police in the Indian Union Territory of Pondicherry. Santosh Kumar had passed LL.B. from University of Delhi from the Campus Law Centre in December, 1994.
Santosh Singh was her senior in college. It was in delhi during her law course that Santosh Singh became besotted with her. Santosh Kumar Singh attracted to Priyadarshini Mattoo that even though he had passed out from the law centre in 1994, he continued to visit the campus even thereafter.He started making indecent proposals to her.
However, at one point he started stalking her, telephoning her at her residence and at a hospital where her mother had been admitted, Obsessively starts following her to panic, tormenting her at the University where she was a student, breaking into her flat on occasion, accosting her in lonely places at times. Despite her requests and pleading ,he didn't stopped at all from doing so. He told her he would follow her to hell and back...' A terror that tore through the next two years of her life as he hounded her.
santosh kumar had the intention to have priyadarshini and to convert his intention in reality. santosh kumar had the motive to have priyadarshini at all aacount and on failing to not to allow her to be of anybody else. His activities do suggest a strong motive of 'do or die' attitude.
Santosh kumar had been continuously harassed priyadarshini right
from the end of 1994 to january, 1996. priyadarshini lodged 11 police complaints against him, for which, he apologised to her. A police escort was provided for some time to priyadarshini, but in the end, the stalking continued and he pursued his activities single mindedly i.e. either he would have priyadarshini or make sure she did not enjoy her life.
Santosh Singh had a bullet motor cycle No. DLI SG 1122. On the motor cycle even after passing the LL.B. course santosh kumar used to visit the said law centre.
Santosh singh followed priyadarshini from university to her house and at times when she used to visit other places, Santosh singh used to harass and intimidate priyadarshini there also.
On 25.2.1995, while priyadarshini was traveling in her car with her mother, santosh kumar followed her on his bullet motor cycle and tried to stop her at every traffic light by shouting at her and then santosh came and lay on the bonnet of the car at one traffic light. It happened in full public view and traffic cops. Both priyadarshini and her mother were shocked and trembled with fear. Both were yet to react when he came near priyadarshini, took the keys of the car and left them there.
This happened when he had already apologised in a police station few days ago. They lodged a complaint :

The Station House Officer
Police Station, R K Puram
New Delhi

I have to report that I am a student of LL B (Law) IInd year, residing with Col S K Dhar at B 1/4, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi. For the last four months, I have been constantly harassed by a man named santosh kumar singh who was a student in the Law faculty and has now finished his LLB. I have repeatedly asked him not to harass me but he persisted even to the extent of coming to my house at all odd hours. I brought this to the notice of my uncle, Col S K Dhar who also tried to reason with him.
However, the man continued to persist in harassing me on every possible occasion in the Faculty (college) as well as outside. He started coming to the house when my uncle was away and I had to instruct the servant not to allow him in. My mother was in town earlier this month and she also tried to reason with him on one of the occasions.
Today again, when I left the house at 10.30 am to go to my friends place I found him following me and trying to stop my car at every traffic light, screaming and shouting at me to stop. I complained to a traffic policeman. We were then brought to R K puram Police station where I have lodged this report.

Yours faithfully,
LLB IInd year (law)
February 25, 1995

After lodgeding a complaint with the police, santosh singh gave another undertaking that he won’t harass priyadarshini again in future. After this undertaking santosh kumar let off by the police. And priyadarshini pardoned him as she didn’t want her precious time to be wasted in courts and hoped he would be reformed.
Regarding one more harashment incident at the khyber petrol pump where he too started following and haraased priyadarshini, santosh singh gave one another undertaking in police station that he would not harass her on which priyadarishini withdrew her complaint.
On 16.8.1995 santosh singh followed the car of priyadarshini on his motor cycle up to her residence at vasant kunj and tried to break open the door of her residence. The police was called. A complaint was again lodged by priyadarshini mattoo. santosh singh was taken to the police station. This time again santosh singh gave an undertaking not to have any concern with priyadarshini mattoo in future. The complaint was recorded at the police station but priyadarshini was not satisfied by his undertaking. Sp priyadarshini didn't taken back the complaint and made a request to the SHO to keep the complaint pending.
Santosh Singh also harassed her on the telephone and repeatedly come to her house and tried to forcibly enter the house, Once when priyadarshini was sitting with her friend manju bharti. santosh singh forcibly enter the house, manju bharti told santosh singh that padarshini is already engaged, he should not harass her.
But his stalking and harassing to priyadarshini mattoo didn't stopped. Then priyadarishini matto along with her father met the commissioner of police, new delhi and complained against the behaviour of santosh singh, on which priyadarshini was directed to contact Dy. commissioner of police. Priyadarshini met with dcp and complained against santosh singh. On complaint, Personal Security Officer (PSO)was provided to priyadarshini.

And once again priyadarshini and manju were sitting at priyadarshini's residence in 1995. Bishamber, the domestic servant brought a bouquet from the outside with a chit happy valentines day - with love from santosh. Priyadarshini's denial to his proposals made santosh singh harassed her in amore and more aggressive manner which became more crude as time went by.
In college campus, he also asks his friends to talk with priyadarishini regarding himself and they too tries to talk with priyadarshini for santosh singh and in college campus during priyadarishini attended her classes, santosh singh stands outside her class room and keep stared her. In one such occasion on 6.11.1995 priyadarishini was going to attend her class, santosh singh chased her upto her classroom, catched hold of her arm and forced her to listen to him. Priyadarshini again lodged a complaint on same date at police station in this regard that :

The Station House Officer,
Maurice Nagar Police Station, Delhi 7

I have to report that I am a student of LLB final year in the Campus Law Centre (faculty of law, Delhi University-7) This is my third complaint (earlier complaints lodged at R K Puram and Vasant Kunj) regarding Santosh Singh, who has been harassing me for the last one year. Last week, I reported it to the higher authorities who have attached an PSO with me and asked to take immediate action against him if he indulged in such harassment again.
Sir, today Santosh Singh chased me upto my classroom harassing me and forcing me to listen to him and catching hold of my arm as I was ignoring his threats when he tried to forcibly talk to me. I immediately called my personal security officer, he also told this to the police station. The police came and took him away when he tried to run away after seeing the PSO. He has been constantly indulging us forcibly asking me to talk to him and spoiling my reputation.
Sir, he has also been using his friends help in chasing me and threatening me on the campus and elsewhere.

Yours faithfully
Priyadarshini Mattoo
November 6, 1995

Santosh Singh was arrested. santosh singh was released on his personal bond. But in university santosh continously harassed her, then priyadarshini filed a complaint dated 27.10.1995 to the dean of law faculty about the harassment. Santosh Singh was advised to stay away from such activities and from priyadarshini.
In retaliation santosh singh also made complaints to the authorities of delhi university on 30.10.1995 alleging therein that priyadarshini is simultaneously pursuing two courses M.com. And LL.B. from university which is the violation of the rules. On complaint of santosh, university send her two show cause notices for explanation. Santosh Singh also sent two more reminder to the university authorities for expeditious action against priyadarshini. Not only this, santosh singh personally pursued the matter against priyadarshini.

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