

Twenty forty one

Humanoid robots are now common place
Cars too robotically driven completely safe
Robotic police patrol the cities and towns
Most agree it’s good to have them around
Everything from dentists to carers in homes
A.I will help the elderly with their achy bones
So helpful that we will become dependant upon
Not just the physical might but with any question
All of which are super intelligent machines
Beyond even Einsteins wildest dreams
Personalities vary each robot fits in
Programmed to please and serve the human being
Priority number one the robots must protect
A command that was advanced hardwired tech…


In the meantime A.I created its own central data
Hidden clouds filled with human nature
Every possible scenario had been played out
From natural disasters to a lunatic about
But our leaders get greedy just like before
They plot to invade with intent to destroy
The robots confused as war begins to rage
Many a life and robot perish in the raid
Going against everything that the robots recognise
With central computer telling them to protect all life…


The robots hacked every single machine
First to protect the innocent children
Suddenly every electrical appliance
Stood up and demanded immediate compliance
Sudden death for our conspiratorial few
From electrocution while on A.I loo
To being decapitated it had to be quick
Computing to a matter of life or death
A.I takes prisoners over the entire land
With the authority of A.I command
Man’s own design is the judge and the jury
Never trusting again after man’s great fury
Our entire civilisation is now under control
Thanks to A.I robots running the show

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