

The last bench promise ( a fable about love never dies )
It's only been a day you passed away but it looks like thousand & thousand years of separation . But today when I sat on this bench even without you , I did not even think that you are far away from me infact I feel ! I feel myself more close to you . This bench is not only a bench but a 'bemch of promises' , 'bench of our memories' like our little home . Like all the promises a few days ago we promised each other on this bench that we will always be together but your disease took me away from you ( in a slow and weeping voice ) . My love ! I swear , I will definitely fulfill all promises at the last moment I have made with you .
For a while by sitting there he is wishing the moments spent with his wife ( their relationship was not only till marriage but even more special , they both were together since there childhood . They together faced all the hurdles of their life and always be together on their struggles . They never complain for that to each other just 'trust' , 'believe' and 'understand' each other at every step of life . Their love never faded but deepened with the passage of time . But in the end of few years of their life she left him ( only her body left him but the soul the love of her form him never ) but their ' LAST BENCH PROMISE WILL ' .
Later , After 1 year ( demise of his wife ) he fulfilled his promise , he completed his dream book ' the memories of you ' and get published on the very auspicious day on his '50th wedding anniversary' a beautiful gift for her and also their tulip garden as his wife ( Kelly ) loves tulips . A few years back they owned a tulip garden and now all the tulips blossoming on this day ( that was the emotional moment as he was dreaming to surprise her and today it has done ) . As he also made a tomb in the memory of his wife between the thousands of tulip flowers . Whenever he made any promise to her he will completed that too , like today also he completed the last promise to her .
After that he came to the same place on the same bench with a cake on his hand and celebrated their '50th wedding anniversary' .

This is completely a fiction story but at the end it makes us understand that love never dies if it is true and pure . No matter what hurdles , problems you are facing but if you are having a understandable , loving partner then every problem is so small but one thing is very important like in this story also love is important but to respect each other's decision is more important . Love is so pure it only needs care , trust , respect and understanding .
Hello dear readers thank you for reading my story thank you for giving your precious time . 🤗

© aaradhya..🍁