

the universe...
you suggested me a song one day.
for me that was one of the most beautiful song.
I was searching our photos but i couldn't find our 1 pic you clicked in the library . sometimes I regret of losing that one and only pic of ours...
whenever I used to ask you where the pic is, you calmly deny that question. but I always had a doubt of having that pic with you.
it was a day before my birthday. you were out . I was eagerly waiting for you to come. because I know as a friend you won't forget my birthday.
after 12 o clock I started waiting for you....
(you know when you have a good friend , you don't want to ruin that relationship because that person matters you the most.)
you came , my heart skipped a beat, you were smiling , that was the warmest gift I can ever imagine from you.
but that day you hugged me, it was not expected actually. I was surprised.
"suni ? I want to gift you something" he said
to which I replied "ok sure" as I know this is not the person who can love me the way I love him.
" wow" I was crying. I was surprised again .it was the same picture he clicked on the library with a message
" I don't know from when ,but from the day I saw you in the library ,I always wanted to be your friend" I looked at him. he was giving me such a sweet smile. I continued reading " I always love to sit behind your chair,I love your fragrance whenever you walk into the library, I love the way you tilt back just to talk to me, I used to wait for you, I never wanted to lose you. I love to accompany you that's why I never miss any of library schedule to be with you. I think I love you without even knowing from when did it start. but this was clicked because I wanted to see you always"
I was in tears. I was smiling , I was looking at him ,I was speechless , I hugged him so tight.
"why are you smiling" he asked .
"no , nothing" I replied but back of the mind I was happy because I felt the same way from the day one . I was noticing him silently as I have got the same person I used to admire. I was making this memory satble without clicking a picture...
#when you wait patiently that is when your true love come searching for you....