

Drama queen and philosophist
First two labels I goti in writing classes.
Summer camp took twenty or more.
Summer writing classes. My writing was always just pen
and paper. I took it in. Went to my room and thought about it.
The fame part in writing is hard to leave out. Who doesn't want to be the next
Karen Blixen or Hemmingway?
Anyway drama can oversize things make them more
seen. Let me just be drama queen. Philosofi comes becourse I was born and raised without my father, who was a Jehovas Vidnerses. I got interested into religion from a very young age.
So I gues thast is just who I am..
Fame is like money. You cannot put it in your pocket when you go.
So a coupple of sandcorns into the shelf of the oyster could be golden
I think💚
Writing about writing is so me becourse there are youngsters out the who do not have the money to go to writing scool so it is just so important to back yong writers up. Keep
writing. You lesaning as you go. That is my deepest wish💚💚💚

© Lucia