

Crystal Heart (Chapter-5)
At the day of dinner party,

King Eric and Queen Diana had arranged everything for it, they told their servants to do this and that, as they want it to be memorable cause George(Eric's brother) is coming for the first time, to meet their daughter Xenia and Adrian her nephew,

When at eve, George and his wife Liliandra came, they saw the palace was decorated with beautiful shining lamps, and Rosemary tree was glowing even more beautifully as the lights shine on them,As they stepped inside Eric and Diana welcomed them, and taken them to a room which was like a great hall, they saw a huge chandelier with multiple candles on them,Chandelier were made up of crystals so they looked more astonishing,there was a large dining table with luxurious white cloth on it,some flower vase had been put on the table,there were few piller candles on the glass jar with pebbles on it,Elderville(a famous and expensive crockery) was there too, the dining chairs had crimson colour,and there was much more amazing things to see,
All seated down and adults cheers with their wines, and Adrian with his juice they all started started having dinner,

Liliandra(George's wife):Wow! I never had such delicacy before.

Diana:We are glad that you liked it.

Eric:These had been made by the best chefs of the Crystalline city.

George:What are the names of it?

Eric called the head chef and told him to introduce the dishes.

(Head Chef):This one on the right side is (The Welsh Rabbit) its a vegetarian dish with melted cheese over toast and crackers,And on the left side is (Kelpie Pie) as a dessert, its a sponge cake filled with custard and topped with chocolate gaze,and this on the middle is (Stuffed Stone Quetzel)its buttered toast with anchovy paste and scrambled egg on it, Eastern cone,Wyverin whip...

Eric:Okay thanks for telling,now we should have it or it will get cold.

(Head master gone)...

Diana:Liliandra meet my nephew Adrian.

Liliandra:Nice to meet you kid!

Diana:I will introduce you to a my daughter later she's in a cradle now.


Adrian:I'm very honorable that I get to meet you."Your Royal Highness".

Liliandra:Oh, don't call me that, I am just like your Diana aunt call me aunt too okay.

Adrian: Okay, Aunt.


After they all had dinner Diana introduced George and Liliandra to his daughter Xenia.

They both had fallen in love with her as they saw her blue glisten eyes with rosy cheeks and curly blonde hairs her smile was like a rainbow in a clear blue sky.

Diana: She's our daughter Xenia.

George: She just look like you.

Liliandra;Yeah her and your eyes lookalike.

George: Yeah.

Diana: Oh,Thank you.

As they were complimenting Xenia Adrian stand on a corner of dining room where was a huge window and was looking outside the window he saw The moon and Rosemary tree shining so beautifully but suddenly the moon light flashed on him and....

~ End of Chapter-5~

© Anjali_writzz~