

Good morning Naniga. Are you in this neighborhood? I have been here for all this while but never set an eye on you. Tell me, where were you hiding?
Naula, I never knew you have come around. My sister, do I have anywhere to go? I have no where to go. I have been in this village sense the death of my mother. The last last encounter we had was at the burial ceremony of the late king, Azur. Half a decade now.
That's true. Ever since that day we have not set eyes on each other again. Hmmmm, that is how life is. Sometimes you have to at least break this tides small so as to focus on other things. I heard the calamity that befell you. But my sister, take heart , everything shall be well. His decision is final and no one questions him. So take heart ', she said sympathetically and shifted towards Naniga.
Naula, the elders said that if you have no strength to fight with the thieves, just help them carry out their operations. There is no native doctor in this village that we have not visited but to no avail. He gives and takes at the time that pleased him. When he calls, you must answer. So it is nothing strange.
May she finds a better place with the Lord', Naula said and they both respond Amen.
For how long have you been here?, Naniga ask and turned to face Naula.
Today is the third day since I have been here. With how strong our friendship is, I couldn't have stayed any shorter without coming to sympathize with you.
Thank you sister. You have done well and this your concern has proven to me that out of sight is not out of mind. God foever bless you abundantly', Naniga said.
Don't say it my sister. By the way, how far with your education?, Naula asked.
Naula, I don't want to think about that. At least not now, she said slowly and tears begin to run down her cheeks.
Naniga was one of the brightest students in Kuka M/A primary school. For that was the name of her school, named after the village. Naniga and Naula were in the same class when Naula left for Kumasi to work as a labourer. Naula was an average student but For Naniga, she was just a gifted student. She was admired by all the teachers in the school. But after the death of her mother, the tide began to turn. She was left to fend for herself. Her father would not do his responsibilities as a father. Instead of taking good care of his daughter, Akuk, rather spent all he has marrying a woman to replace Naniga's mother. This was how bright Naniga's education came to an abrupt end. Because of this, whenever she hear someone talk about education, she finds it difficult to control her tears.
Naniga, sorry for making you feel bad', Naula consoles but Naniga burst out the more.
My sister, can you imagine that with all the start that I had, this is my e-n-d? Why should it be me? Why is nature so unfair to mention?
Control yourself Naniga, everything shall be fine. It is just a matter of time. The omnipotent God will hear your voice. In everything he does he has a reason. He never close a door without opening another. As far as there is life , there is everything truest God. We are all in the same car. Were you not here when I was forced in one afternoon to stop schooling and go to Kumasi? Were you not here? We are not ignorant to the situation in this village. Are we? Certainly no. So why do we worry about something we all know. Control yourself', Naula said.
What then is the purpose of life if you cannot fulfil your dreams? Is it worth living? The land we are is swallowing our dreams.
All of us have aims in life and God is not ignorant about how we are going to fulfill those aims. So my dear don't be too moody. The Holy Book said that everything work better for them that wait for God. So be courageous', Naula consoles.
Are you sure everything will be well, when my present condition is like hell? How can you tell? Can the building boast of strength when the foundation is not strong? Naula, tell me.
Naniga, just pull yourself together. Nothing last forever. Let's thank God that your are not a toddler. You can at least work and get something for yourself. Let's be grateful for that. Be happy you have the mother of all success, good health. Let's not take that for granted', she said putting her hand on Naniga hands and lead her to the room.
I understand you but things have been so unbearable. I live in a family but have no family. They do not care about me. If I will eat, it has to come from my sweat. Whether I wear or not it is non of their business. Sometimes I ask myself if am really my father's daughter. Where do I belong? Naula, can you believe that sence the arrival of my step mother this house has been a hell for me?
Do you mean you don't see eye to eye, Or what are you saying that I don't understand? How can she be treating you like that?
I am not her daughter. That is what she told me the other day, she said wiping the tears from her her face.
And your father? Has he also been adamant about how she treats you?
But what can he do? Does she fear my father? She doesn't fear him. What ever please her is what she does. She even told my father to also send me away.
To where and for what?
Maybe to down there so that I can do the labourer some. Or to arrange for a min for me to marry.
No no no. You are still young to marry. Why is she so bent on seeing your life ruined? coo God, help us. Why are things not the way they used to be? What kind of souls have people nowadays that they happy devoting others to destruction?
Ask again my sister. What pains me the more is that she has claimed ownership of all the wealth my mother took part in generating to the extent that I can't even have an iota of it to further my education.
Naniga, I have seen that you still have the zeal to continue your education. I will try as much as possible to help you. When I return to Kumasi, I will get you some money to further your education. If I don't help a friend like you who else will I? But listen to this carefully: Do not make any attempt to marry at this age. Look at how Asibi and Alaareb are struggling to make ends meet. You were here when they were forced to marry. The elders said that when the frog in front falls into a pit, the others behind must take caution.
My sister, you are talking as if you are not a native of this village. They say it is a tradition and no one has power over it. When Alamisi in particular, refused to enter into that marriage what kind of flogging didn't she received? She was flogged to the point that she has no option but to condone. It is like nature's call, once your father makes the decision that is final.
True Naniga their decision is final but let us pray nothing like that comes to the mind of your father. Your future is what I am now craving for. I will be going in two days time. But remember I said I will help you to get back on your feet again in your academics. So if there is anything you think I should know just go to my mother. She will call me for us to talk about it. As for the money I know how it will get to you when I arrive there. I will also get you some clothes. But for the mean time take this money and buy some pety pety things you may need, Naula said giving the money to Naniga. She thanked her very much and after hugging each other, Naula went home.
About two months after Naula had left for Kumasi, things were still not going well with Naniga. She finds it more harder to even get three square meals a day. One thing about Naniga is that despite the maltreatment that she goes through in the hands of her step mother, she runs errands for her. Whenever her step mother wants to buy something from the market, it is Naniga who goes to buy them for her. No one in the village will deny the fact that she was a good girl, even her step mother. But one could not tell why she was been maltreated. The night was over and Naniga as usual come out to go and fetch water. Her father was already out when she appears. Men according to the African traditional believe were supposed to wake up first before their wives. This is because women according to tradition is prohibited from open the Door to the house. If any woman does that, she is beaten up and sent to her father's house permanently. For the daughters, they are banished from the village. Naniga knows this very well, so she waited for her father to open the door before she can go and fetch her water.
Naniga, come here. I can see that you are going to fetch water', Akuk , her father said.
Yes daddy. Good morning', she said as she moves to her father.
Okay. If you return, wash your clothes and prepare. I should have told you earlier but it skip my mind. Mbun said she wants a young lady to help her in her restaurant in Kumasi. She was here three days today but you weren't around. But myself and your step mother were around so agreed that as far as you are here doing nothing, you should follow her and go. She will be here in the afternoon , so do your preparations.
Father , why should it be so urgent. At least I should have been told earlier so that I will make my decision.
Shut up your mouth. What decision do you have to make? Tell me. We have already decided for you and that is final. Mbun is a lady who has made it in life through her restaurant. Don't you know that you are even lucky to have this opportunity? Something that other people fast and pray for , you are taking it for granted. Joke with it. Do you think that life is just as simple as you see it to be? If you think so my manners said I should tell you that you are making a mistake. Go fetch the water and come was your clothe', Akuk said and open the gate. He then return to his room. Naniga was dejected. She wasn't happy to take that step because taking it means that forgetting of her education. She still have education in mind but it seemed to her as unattainable. She has nothing to do but to just comply and be free. Later that afternoon when Naniga has finished packing her clothes and other things she will need them, a lady of about forty-two entered. She was Mbun, the lady Naniga will be traveling with. Akuk welcomed her accordingly. He already knows the reason for her visit. After some series of communication, Mbun and Naniga left.
Life in Kumasi was totally different from Kuka. Naniga was taken aback by what she saw at Suame runabout. The cars wey more than the people who drove them. As 'nino' as she is, Mbun had to hold her hand so that she is not swallowed by the crowd that was pouring from all directions. Naniga saw a lot of things that could have made her happy but she still remains sad. What was eating her up was the fact that she is going to be with someone she doesn't know. She has heard stories about how young girls are lured to big cities and how they are being forced into prostitution. What if she is also on the same path?, she thought of this for sometime and as though is was a dream, they were already in a very big wooden structure . Inside the wooden structure, Naniga could see numerous other sub structures inside the main structure and in each structure there appears to be a girl of her age. Naniga asked Mbun the place they were but she didn't mind her, but outside, Naniga could hear people shouting Kejetia Kejetia, Makro, Magazine. Initially she thought the place is called Kejetia but the subsequent once made her to understand these trotro mates were rather called for people who were going to those areas. As they moved on, she saw a giant sign board with the inscription "Welcome to Asafo". She then saw a group of young girls hailing Mama welcome! Mama welcome. A chair was immediately brought for Mbun to sit. She asked how they were doing and they said they were doing well. After some few minutes later, two girls entered. It appears to Naniga as though she knows them or maybe they just resemble other people. One thing that surprised Naniga was how these girls were dressed. In her village where tradition still holds its value, it was abomination for the women to wear trousers. But everything was different in Kumasi especially in the the wooden structure. The girls dressed in only undewares and brassies , exposing the remaining parts of their bodies. Mbun who is called 'Mama' by the girls said something in a strange language to the girls. That was the language of the inhabitants of the area, the Akans. She was introducing Naniga to them and her intention to work with them. The girls were happy to hear that. Naniga could see them jubilating and hailing Mama. She knew in her mind that their conversation was about her but she didn't say anything. After all she doesn't understand they were saying.
Now girls this is Naniga. Naniga, these are some of my workers. They are very friendly to everyone so enjoy your stay here. Now you girls should listen. She is a stranger and you know it. Make sure she has everything she needs to make her stay here comfortable. The girls nodded in agreement the look from Naniga's face showed that something was wrong. She initially thought they were to take some rest and continue their journey not knowing that was their final destination. The place doesn't look like a restaurant at all. As she was still in dilemma, a girl of her age called from a distance. 'Naniga, please bring your laggage here so that I can show you where you will sleep', the girl called out. Naniga was reactant but finally has to obey the order. The lady points to one of the rooms ad Naniga open and entered.
Naniga, were are you?' Mbun asked moving through the corridor.
Here in the room, Mama. I am tired to the bone so am taking my rest.Naniga replied lying on the student matress inside the room. Mbun entered.
This is not our permanent destination. I just want us to take a rest and precede. The girls will bring you something to eat. In the evening will continue.
I have heard you Mama'. Naniga replied but wasn't much convinced with that. It was almost 1:00Pm and Naniga has woke up from her sleep. One of the girls brought her boiled yam with stew. She was very friendly and Naniga noticed it. They ask of each other's name . After the food, Naniga ask Haeda about the nature of their work. They entered into a conversation mood.
Haeda: Naniga, mama said you were going to be one of us.
Naniga: Yes please. It is because of the work that she brought me here. She said she was running a restaurant business here.
Haeda: Restaurant? okay. If so she said, no problem. But my sister, I must be plain to you that we don't operate restaurant here.
Naniga: And what do you do for her? please tell me.
Haeda: Hmmmm. We are just her workers. We work for her. We have no option but to work for her whether by force of whatever.
Naniga: My dear what do you mean by that?, she said moving closer to Haeda.
Haeda: We serve men for money. That is what you are also coming to do.
Naniga: Hay, where have I landed myself? (He heart was threatening to run out of her chest) Maybe I might not be part. She told me that this is not our final destination.
Haeda: Young lady, shine your eyes. Do you think she will just come and tell you that this is were you will be staying? She will not. You are very innocent, I have to help you. She is planning for the initiation rite this night and as you are initiated, that is all. You can't go anywhere.
Naniga: Please help me ( She gets up and begins to pack her clothes back to her bag).
Haeda: Shiiiii. Be careful young lady. We have to do it wisely. You know something?. In the evening, when almost everything is dark, come to my room, the first one. I will draw the security man into the inner chamber. When you see that we have passed, take off. okay?
Naniga:Yes please.
Haeda: when you fail to escape , that will be your own cap of tea. But Naniga, when you succeed, don't forget of me.
Naniga: Please I will not. I will remember you and not only you but everyone in this structure.
Haeda: But be very careful because I am risking my life to do this. If that lion get to know of it, am in danger. Bye for now.
It appears to Naniga as though it was a dream. Within two hours, she has almost covered six kilometers. She was now wondering how she will find a way back home. She has no money and she knows no one in the area. And besides if she had had money, they will not know where she was going. Or perhaps she will just ask them to take her far away . All these things were going on in her mind waiting for a decision to be made. As she thought of these things, she saw in a distance a lady that looks like Naula.
Could it be Naula or her resemblance?', she asked herself. Something told her to call the name to see whether she is the one.
'Naula Naula', Naniga called out. The lady she turned and searched for the source of the voice but she didn't find anyone. At this point Naniga was fully convinced that it is Naula. Naniga ran fast to reach her.
Naula is that you? Naniga asked panting .
Who am I seeing? Naniga, what brought you here? Naula ask surprisingly. Come let's get inside. Naula works under Maame Adomaa in Tafo as a dish washer. In Naula's room, Naniga narrated how she was brought to Kumasi by a lady she never knew. Naula feelt sorry for her but thanked God that she has been able to escape from this cruel lady. The following day Naula made a statement to the Ghana Police Service and operations were organized to rescue the girls but Mbun escaped. Three months later, She was arrested at Paga trying to cross the border to Burkina Faso.