

sometimes God planning is better than your planning
It is not necessary that every step should be recorded according to your plan. Once upon a time , there was a girl whose only aim was to become a pilot. Financial condition of that girl was not also too good , but the dream was her priority. She did everything whatever she can and finally reached that place. She passed every exam but that was the last "the interview" in which she failed.
yes, she failed.
That was the time when she totally broke . The only dream which she saw to become a pilot , to fly the plane was broken.
If she cleared that then it would be the day that she would be in air & fly over the mountains and her only dream.
Destiny , yes destiny planned something else for her.
When she reached at home she thought how she would face to her parents. The whole life of her was circulated in her mind .
But when she opened the door. Everyone in her family was happy to see her & she did not know anything.
then, her father told her that "the flight is crashed sudden how".
She was in tears and salute to God for giving her a new life "an opportunity"
As "Everything have two facets it's up to us what we want to see".
Just remember, when life is not according to your plan it means , it is going according to God's plan & for a while , Our planning can cheat us but God's planning would always be better for our future.
whenever the situation is beyond your control just trust the God.

© Harshita Aggarwal