

The sudden death of my mom
Two and a half years ago I woke up to a message on Facebook from my sister stating that mom passed away suddenly from a heart attack and complications stemming from uncontrolled diabetes which left me in a state of shock for weeks and saddened for two years.
It took me two years to get over the grief because my mom died during the covid 19 pandemic and during the time when travel was a not allowed, which left me unable to visit family and attend the awake which in turn left me feeling alone.

My mom's death had taught me that life is too short and to cherish every moment I have left on this earth with friends and getting together with people who have gone through the very same thing and listen to what they have to say. Let me tell I have met some awesome people who have lost loved ones and we share stories, some good, and some not so good. Although sharing stories with each other doesn't bring our loved ones back but it does ease the pain in knowing we are in this together and to know our loved ones are waiting for us when our time on earth is up