

The Suicide of Youth
People who commit suicide in our country have a higher population of youth.
One of the main reasons for this is the future of our country that is the power of youth to think .
Twenty first century youth are wrapped in love, in this love they get cheated.
Sothat he commits suicide by being disappointed,even if they want to get a outcaste marriage,they can't do it.
So they have to be forced and take the wrong step .
Our village is very backward in the name of casteism.
If any person in the viallage gets out caste marriage, the villagers separated from the village if them.
The coming soceity
gets smeared, due to no respect in the soceity, taunts have to be heard due to which the person has to commit suicide .
Out caste marriage is possible for them,one who is a schollar and the other who is rich is not to blame.
Because they are rich and learned.
God did not make us different, so why do we have such discrimination among ourselves?
If someone does outcaste marriage in soceity , then the soceity looks at it with a poor eyes and the other who is rich, if they outcaste marry then our soceity
will avoid saying that they are rich.
anything they can do.
there are two eyes in our soceity,
the view of two is different .
There is a proverb ..
" Ek pati Do bhati "
therefore we should make the soceity aware of the out caste marriage
If our soceity will aware then the increase in suicide of youth will decrease.
True Inspiration for Youth
"Youth what is the age of loving you ,
where is the whole thing lying in the front of us?
Wake up and do something for the country,
Overnight you earn your name "

Priya Mishra