

love me back
In 1997 there was an young boy that was just 15 years old. At the time the boy was working in a restaurant and saw this beautiful girl standing outside the window....a couple days later he run into her and they talked for hours then before they knew it they went out! on a date and also they got married, but then a couple weeks later they broke up.The boy turn in to a man and the man was heart broken and suffering with depression a bit later he made a song called Love me back it went viral on YouTube he got 27k likes and 5m subscribers on YouTube he continues to make more song's and became popular on platforms and TV shows he was so popular that....Artists reached out to him to make songs with him he was the best singer ever in the world he was known as the king of love. A couple years later his ex wife call him up and said please take me back....the man thought of it ,but said no he said u can't read the same chapter over and over again I'm sorry he said.

I wrote this book for u guys to be inspired to write your own
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