

The Hanging Tree
It's 8:15 P.M all I see is red it's hot and it's getting harder to breath. I look over too see two other kids the age of 5 and 6 they seem hurt. I want to help them but I am hurt myself and can't feel my legs. My name is lily I live in an orhanage at the far right side of town I was peacefuly sleeping in a room with 7 other girls when an alarm went off and the sprinklers came on. I was grabed by one of the older girls and pulled over to the door she told me to get out of the orhanage as soon as possible then went back into the room. I started running to the main door when the ceiling fell infront of me I turned around to see the ceiling behind me also blocking my path. I feel a sharp pain in legs and fall to the ground. The ground is wet I am wet I look around myself to see that I am surrounded by the flame. Then I can't breath I start to blackout I lay my head on the ground and close my eyes. It's now 11:27 I just opened my eyes the air is cool the flames are no longer there and neither is the building it's turn to ash. I look over to see a vary pretty woman with blond hair and blue eyes she has these vary big bird like wings on her back she is looking at me. I start to hear a voice almost like an echo it sound like it's coming from the backyard. I stand up still no feeling in my legs and start to make my way to the now burned garden. When I make it to the garden the voice stoped all I see is an old oak tree "The Hanging Tree". I was surrprize that the tree is still up the fire had spread all the way to the woods behind the now burned down building but the tree is still there. The woman I had seen early is now beside me but she is not touching the ground it clear to me that she is not human. She reaches out her hand and says that I will be alright and that she was going to take me somewhere safe. I took her hand and we start to walk to the tree. I ask her why we are going to The Hanging Tree, i'v herd some terrible thing about that the tree mother would take the older kids and take them to the tree after 10-15 minute she would come back with no sign of the child. We get to the base of the tree when she lets go of my hand I look around to see the place I had grown up in gone then I look back at the woman but she wasn't there. The I herd another voice a mans voice calling for help I try to see what had happened when I am stoped almost like forse feld. I try again and again and again but I can't leave the tree, I call for help but no one comes. Please i'm only 9 I am stuck help I cry bt no one came, I was truely alone forever stuck at The Hanging Tree.
© Julia storymaker