

Destiny of you and me! (2)
Chapter 2

It was 8:00 AM when she reached her company, the employees of GOLD airlines strictly followed the rule of
coming early to the office then the CEO.

Due to this punctuality of the employees and strict rules of the GOLD airlines; the company always remained on top of the list when it came to the private airline companies.

The rival company of GOLD airlines was NIRVANA airlines, which remained in second place.

The rivalry between these companies begins right after the establishment of GOLD airlines.

Riya was standing near the floor-to-ceiling window with documents in her hands when the director of the flight
management department came to her office; when Riya saw his face she could immediately say that there was
something wrong.

"Ms, we are not able to contact the captains of flight 5060 to London. As per our analysis flight went missing near the area of Afghanistan."

"Ms, the information about flight 5060 missing got leaked; reporters and family members are at company
doors asking for information about flight attendees!"
another employee said with a horrified expression.

It was the first time in the history of GOLD airlines that flight went missing.

In NIRVANA airlines company-

There was a knock on the door of the CEO's cabin-

"Come in "

It was the voice of Aarav ' the CEO of NIRVANA airlines'

"Sir, our flight to Norway via Ukraine went missing around Afghanistan."

Another employee of flight management department hurried into the CEO cabin-

"Sir, the information on flight 605 is leaked; reporters and family members of attendees are waiting at the company door!"
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