

The Magical Book
Once apon a time, there lived two sisters. One was Sasia and the other one Sofia. Sasia was a very good girl and she loved to read and she loved books, but Sofia never reads books. As Sasia reads wonderful stories in her books and tells Sofia to read or to listen to her she refuses to do the both. There were two bookshelves in their home one was Sasia's which was stacked with books, but was clean, neat and tidy. whereas, the another one was Sofia's which was stacked with books too, but was none of neat, clean and tidy. They read books at dinner time and at afternoon. Every time whenever they read books in front of Sofia she puts her hands on her ears and when they force her to read or to listen to them she stumps her foot, puts her hands on her ears and shouts even more louder saying I HATE BOOKS. Seeing this, her parents decided that they will not buy any more books for Sofia and shared their plan with her, but they didn't shared another plan with her but shared with Sasia. She happily agreed their plan. The next day on the way home her father bought a story book for Sasia named "unknown princess". When he was back, he gave the book to Sasia and told her to read it at bedtime. Sasia didn't read any books at her bedtime but today she happily agreed to read. At night, her parents told her goodnight and went to sleep. Sofia, who was asleep in bed woke up at midnight by the noise of her parents. When she reached them she saw that they were shouting and crying for their daughter Sasia, who was nor in her bed nor in her room and nor in the house. Actually, she was outside the house near their neibhour's house. She broke and old glass in Sofia's room from the open window. They all hurriedly ran in her room to investigate. In that time, Sasia came inside their house from the back door, lied on her bed and started shouting " Mom.. dad....mommm...... dadddddddddd". Once again they all came running in her room. Her parents asked her where she gone and when she gone. As per their plan she told them that someone came flying in her room and after that I doesn't remember anything, but, when she opened her eyes, she found herself in a magical land named "HENDERLAND". She continued her story and when she finished her sister Sofia shouted."Aha! All she told matched with the story written in her new story book. I also want to be a princess in sucha magic land even through I have to read all the books in the world." From that day onwards she started to read all the books that was stacked in her bookshelf. One night while dinner time she told her parents that she was wrong that books are boring. But still she was upset seeing this her parents asked her the reason. She told "I still did not entered any magic land yet, but why Sasia went into a magic land by reading a book only once?" Her parents told her " this is because she did not went anywhere and nor you are going to go anywhere. She was just hidden near our neighbour's house, but this was a magical book." "How?" Sofia asked. Because of this one ordinary book maked a change in you which is that you love booos now.

© Swastika Karmakar